"Monsters Handbook"

By Sandbasterd, in Only War

I must say that the "Bestiary" is really thin.

There is so little different types of enemies.

Alot of other Role playing games have "Monster handbooks"

And there is always alot of different kind of enemies.

In Only war there is so incredibly little variation.

And of course if i want different enemys i can create them.

But i should nott have to and it is really time consuming.

So why nott have a hole book dedicated to enemys?

If you look at the 40K universe there is a big, big diverse kind of enemys and classes.

Right now i have had flying chimeras for the droop tropers. And thats yust nutts.

So a book primarily with vehicles (also flying vehicles) and soldiers for Pdf, Imperial guard, space marines, Severan dominate, Orks, Dark eldar, chaos.

And secondary for all the other races.

What does everybody else think about that?

I would buy it!!

The 40kRPG line is pretty huge. You can use any monster printed in the Black Crusade books with no work at all, and anything from Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/Deathwatch with a little work. Chances are whatever you're looking for has already been printed somewhere.

For instance, I'm working on converting the Tyranids and Tau enemies from Deathwatch to Only War, because I like my fighting on the Galactic East.

To expand on what Plushy said, the Dark Heresy supplement Creatures Anathema and the Rogue Trader supplement Kronos Bestiary can be plundered for more 'monster' stats ( KB also features a 'xeno generator'); the Deathwatch equivellant, Mark of Xenos , features lots of stuff (Tyranids, Tau) that don't exist in Segmentum Obscurus, so it isn't as useful if you are using OW 's Spinward Front setting. Also, the Rogue Trader module Soul Reaver adds some new Dark Eldar stuff, and the Deathwatch sourcebook The Outer Reach focuses on Necrons (the background is specific to the Jerico Reach, but the stats can still be pilfered). There are some differences between the game systems, but nothing that renders cross-game references totally useless.

That said, I would like to see FFG put out more 'monster' books- this is one category where the WH40KRP line lags behind other RPG systems- I don't think all of the critters from CA , MoX , and KB combined would fill a single D&D Monster Manual

From 40kRPG Lines experience I expect OW Monster Manual to be 6th publication (Rulebook, GM Kit, Adventure (Final Testament), Player Handbook (Hammer of the Emperor), GM Handbook, Monster book…), but as mentioned above, Creatures Anathema, Koronus Bestiary and Mark of Xenos are very useful in all game lines, I have already used buffed Vore Weapons from CA in my game with great succes*.

*they are known as "spiked ****-dildos" :D

Yes its wery true that you could use enemys from other books. But i really dont want to buy all those books to get them.

That would be expensive as hell.

And what i can gather is that the other books doesnt have alot of "monsters"

And this is Only war. Where there is alot of war.

It would be alot easier to get that feeling if you actually had stats for alot of different Infantry and vehicles in one book.

Flying Chimeras isnt all that great.

So fantasy flight games if you ever read this.

A book like that would be great if you want to play Only war.

Most likely one is in the works, but not announced. The other systems have gotten their bestiary books in due time. That said, the preference does appear to be towards making a supplement book before the bestiary.

Of the given choices, its difficult to say which existing book has the creatures you want. Basic 'nids and Tau are covered in the Deathwatch CRB, but its meaningful to point out that those are scaled up a bit more so as to threaten marines. Creatures Anathema covers a wide array of creatures found on almost any world, but does little to present an entire "force" of enemies. The Koronus Bestiary is quite similar in that regard.

On the note of cost: you appear to be prepared to get a book for OW, so I don't see how getting a book from another system is any worse.

Realize as a whole, with regards to what everyone wants here, a bestiary, while useful, overlaps quite a bit with the material that is already out there. In the interest of getting new material first, a bestiary is a less requested thing as the 40k RPG line has gone on.

To be fair, besides providing expanded Chaos forces, the OW CRB should do a pretty decent job of covering the gamut of "main" races in 40k. Besides Tau, Necrons, and 'nids, the book has the primary enemies of the IG down. And as stated earlier, none of those forces would be appropriate in this region (Tau are on the other side of the galaxy with regard to where OW is set, Necrons have yet to wake up in the timeline, and the hive fleets have not targetted this area). Eldar are the only ones truly missing, but it would be weird to see them arrayed in such a force.

"On the note of cost: you appear to be prepared to get a book for OW, so I don't see how getting a book from another system is any worse."

I rather ment that i dont want to buy alot of different books from all the different 40K books to get a "Bestiary".

I would rather buy yust one book with a hole lot of Imp guard enemy's and vehicles, flying or ground based.

And the same goes for Chaos and Dark Eldar. Its alot more fun to have a wide array of different enemies then the Few that comes with the core book.

And alot less expensive.

And if i/everyone would like to play in the time period when necrons are awakend and tyranids are on the move. The other races would be fun to have.

It would be easy to create a Planet or moon where these different races and classes is.

And if that book where to come out it would be more balanced to OW then those that have already come out.

Instead i would now have to buy different books (Spend alot more then with yust one dedicated book).

And also have to work with them so they are balanced. It's time consuming…

I agree with the OP for this reason: having to buy into other game lines to get the material you need for yours is messed up. The most annoying example of this for me was when the RT corebook came out it's psyker chapter talked about sorcery and even had it on its charts, but then tells you if you want to know anything about sorcery you have to go buy dark heresy books. I can not describe how much things like that irritate me. Personally I wish they would give us a nice huge book that was heavier on the stats than on the fluff for baddies, for each line.

Every line, with the exception of Black Crusade, have so far gotten their own bestiary eventually. It is safe to assume the same is going to happen for Only War. If you want more monsters now you will have to buy some of the other lines bestiaries.

I doubt however that every major race is going to have a part in the bestiary as it makes no sense for the established setting. The setting as of now have Orks, Humans, Chaos and Dark Eldar, with stats for multiple monsters of each race in the core rules. You dont really need any more to make scenarios. Maybe they would include some Eldar because the Rogue trader setting is fairly close, but otherwise i dont think we'll see many more races come into Only War.

I wouldn’t mind something like a bestiary in latter supplements either to honest. While other books may have stats for adversaries the many improvements to the rules places a question as to how they are represented in the O.W. rule set.

It not a simple, currently, to move creatures around due the changes in the Unnatural Characteristic and the use of different baseline stats (Dark Heresy uses the same as Only War though). Then there are some creatures that have either evolved over the editions, sometimes drastically (hello~ Bloodletter!), or that may have been over/under stated in the books they appeared in (Tau weapons in Deathwatch were ridiculously weak or perhaps the Bolters were simply overpowered).

There are bound to be some big changes to adversaries…after all about five years latter lasguns finally have the variable setting so who knows what will change. cafe

-And here it comes. Sounds like it will mainly expand on the existing factions from the Rulebook; no mention of 'monsters'…

Yeah, I was kind of hoping there would be Tyranids in there. I mean, we can still try and get things from Deathwatch, but I'm not great at conversions. So it would be clunky. Then again, there may well be other aliens in this book we don't know yet.

Adeptus-B said:

-And here it comes. Sounds like it will mainly expand on the existing factions from the Rulebook; no mention of 'monsters'…

Looking at the cover there’s a cabby somewhere without his taxi. avergonzado_alegre
But of particular interest in the description are the “Veteran Talents” and the “Kill Markers” mentioned in the third paragraph, obviously a little tidbit from Hammer of the Emperor so that’s also something to look forward to as well.

Ah, tyranids in the Spinward region?

Not likely unless fragmentsf a long forgotten hive, genestealer cult or a cold trade gone pear-shaped. Necrons, again an issue unless a similar scenario as in the BC adventure Hand of Corruptin.

Orks, Dark Eldar, Chaos yep n maybe 1 or 2 xenos species on the sideline - death world critters n the similar would be nice (but i got that covered with Mark of the Xenos, Koronus Bestiary and Creatures Anathema).

Rictus said:

- death world critters n the similar would be nice (but i got that covered with Mark of the Xenos, Koronus Bestiary and Creatures Anathema).

You can never have too many xenobeasts at your fingertips…

Yeah, the point is to have options. And NOT being in the Spinward just means they do not need nearly as much fluff info, just some stat lines for people who want to use them in other theaters. They could easily have 3-6 pages of statlines and brief writeups, and that would be enough. And again, unlike the others, we do not need all the other fluff to go with them since they're not part of the specific region, just a nice tool for GMs.

Because I'd love to run Only War, and when I do it's more likely to be in the Jericho Reach, with possible Deathwatch Interludes at times with said DW missions affecting the story of the Regiment's battles.

And I can almost guarantee there are people running games set during the 'nid invasions or other locations. So having them is good.