I must say that the "Bestiary" is really thin.
There is so little different types of enemies.
Alot of other Role playing games have "Monster handbooks"
And there is always alot of different kind of enemies.
In Only war there is so incredibly little variation.
And of course if i want different enemys i can create them.
But i should nott have to and it is really time consuming.
So why nott have a hole book dedicated to enemys?
If you look at the 40K universe there is a big, big diverse kind of enemys and classes.
Right now i have had flying chimeras for the droop tropers. And thats yust nutts.
So a book primarily with vehicles (also flying vehicles) and soldiers for Pdf, Imperial guard, space marines, Severan dominate, Orks, Dark eldar, chaos.
And secondary for all the other races.
What does everybody else think about that?
I would buy it!!