My "Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose" Deck

By Rogue 4, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

Smuggliers and Spies Affliation

A Hero's Journey x2

In You Must Go x2

Forgotten Heroes x2

A Message From Beyond x2

Questionable Contacts x2

The idea is pretty simple: Big Boys against whatever you have. It has beatne the Sith Controla few times and Vehicle Swarms as well. Yoda is beefed up and blows away 2 objectives when he has Trust on him with about 3-4 other enhancements. Obi's Spirit is a game saver but still loses to a fast Vader/Force Choke if the DS has them in hand prior to it being played.

I am sure this has been toyed with by others, thoughts?


I tried a similar build last night and found I never had enough characters in play. Also, the DS had a field day with me by cancelling my events (Imperial Suppression is a BEAST!) at just the right time.

My question for you is, who do you committ to the force struggle and why? Do you try to keep the balance of the force to the LS? I never feel ready to attack in a Jedi deck.

Do you miss having Guardians in this deck (I am assuming Secret of Yavin x2 is what was removed to add in the new pod)? Old Ben is a great card, and having four is amazing, but I'd almost rather ditch the Forgotten Heroes and keep Secret.

Guardians are FAR better than Jedi in Hiding; Lightsaber Deflection is almost if not as good as Jedi Mind Trick; Obi Wan is a 5/3 character, which is a tough cost/health ratio to swallow, though his icons and text are quite good I will admit; Twist is arguably more useful than Heat of Battle; and C-3PO can be used to protect you from Force Chokes, cancel Imperial Suppression if needed, etc., which is definitely more useful than Our Most Desperate Hour. Plus the Secret of Yavin 4 objective text can protect your other objectives.

Out of around 10 times of playing this, only once did I not have one of the big 4 in play for some turns. So make sure you mulligan at the start if you get a bad draw initially.

With the Spirits who needs protectors? Most of the time it is free (with the free enhancement objective) and has proven it can go against a Defense Fleet and letting it win the edge.

Paying for characters are easy. Again all your limited resource locations play for free, so you can first turn Obi Wan if you get In you must go objective.

Our most desperate hour is great against a Sith control deck because now you can't put tactics on my guys.

Don't need Yavin 4 protect ability on obj, because I can defend with my characters every turn. Rememer Trust your Feelings are in here and it lets Yoda or Ben defend and attack every turn.

Who do I commit to the Force depends on the cards in play. Ben or Yoda normally get it, NEVER commit Solo!

Always attack with this Deck!!! Solo and Luke are beasts and can help you control the board thru Solo's ability and targeting strike.

So I hope I addressed some of your concerns with the deck, but you mentioned your build was similiar, what changes do you use?

I had one less Questionable Contacts in favor of Tribal Support. I think I'll go 2x like you.

I also got hosed by Icetrompers. I'd send in my big heavy hitter (like Luke or Han) and the DS would just remove the attacker from combat (and deal one damage.) He won the game by destroying LS objectives. He got two in one turn once using The Killing Cold to sacrifice two probe droids and damage my A Hero's Journey to death.

It just seems that Sith Control got a lot of great tools for hosing Jedi in DoH. I'll need to make those changes and playtest some more to get a better feel about when to attack. Although, putting a "free" Ben's Spirit on Han Solo (thanks to the Objective that makes enhancements free) seems like a really tech play, as does playing those Cloud City Casinos and Dagobah caves for free.

If we're claiming X-Files episodes for deck names, I'll call dibs on Darkness Falls for any future DS Hoth deck I might want to build. :P