I'm absolutely loving Sudden Death. I honestly didn't expect it to breathe that much new fun into the base game.
Here's hoping the game sells as well as it deserves to and we get to see another expansion with maybe Lizardmen, Amazons, and Norse. And maybe rules for 6 players
Here's hoping the expansion sells as well as it deserves to.
I hope for a short league containing the Evil Gits, the Scarcrag Snivellers, and the Greenfield Grasshuggers.
That would be amazing expansion.
It's already in the reprint schedule so this might be a sign that sales is going pretty well.I also hope for more teams in the future.Let's not forget also the goblins with their chainsaw, pogo stick and chain ball.
I'm loving the expansion too. I feel like it took forever to come out, but that could just be because we played the heck out of the main game.
I'm about to do my part and buy the expansion. So far our group has played BB:TM only a few times, but we were enjoying it.
Great expansion. The only small thing is that Contracts are a bit "boring" and can potentially destroy the game experience if you´re too lucky. Revealing 16 fans out of 4 contracts may annoy some of your opponents. To that "issue" (we always play with contracts nonetheless), I would suggest expanding the "business" side of BBTM so it becomes less of a simple fans increase and relate more to the actual game [of dealing with matchups and tourneys], not sure how exactly but maybe Cabalvision (or why does it have to be them?) would like to sign contracts if certain players perform well, or refuse to sign contracts if you do this or that. Maybe division-related contracts? That would add amother dimension to the game.
An upgrade card you can exhaust to double the amount of Blood Lust token you get this round would have been nice.
As for the teams they´re all fun but some of them are clearly better than others.
Enchanted balls is the best addition by far as they add so much to the game experience. We absolutely LOVE the event card putting two balls in the 3 first highlights.
We haven't had much success with Regenerate but when it works it's awesome. And a Regenerate Coach usable by teams like the Wood Elves is a cool thing, lol.
There is one thing which is that I don't understand how star players with tackling downed skills can be so weak star-player wise. The 5-power Mummy has only 1 star power when downed and that's a bit of a shame. I was expecting such players being better while downed..
Now I´d like to see Lizardmen and Hobbits!
Indalecio said:
There is one thing which is that I don't understand how star players with tackling downed skills can be so weak star-player wise. The 5-power Mummy has only 1 star power when downed and that's a bit of a shame. I was expecting such players being better while downed..
Downed players, specially ones with downed skills, should be "weak" when downed or else there would be no reason to take them down.
DarkLoic said:
Downed players, specially ones with downed skills, should be "weak" when downed or else there would be no reason to take them down.
I guess we both agree on that, but I meant to say that the Mummy star player's downed tackling skill is quite pointless since she only has 1 power while downed. Such powerful player should probably have 3 power while downed, or something.
Indalecio said:
I meant to say that the Mummy star player's downed tackling skill is quite pointless since she only has 1 power while downed. Such powerful player should probably have 3 power while downed, or something.
I don't think so.
With downed strength of 3, downed tackling would be, IMHO, far too powerful.
It would be too dangerous using tackling against such a player.
Basically, when you use a tackling skill against another player, you take the risk that your player goes down instead.
But, generally, you will do it at minimum risk.
When you use a tackling skill against a player with downed skills, you take a supplementary risk, because your opponent will have a chance to use these skills to its advantage.
If one of these skills is tackling, too, this makes the risk for your player to go down bigger than general.
So, it's more dangerous using tackling against this opponent.
That's why I think downed skills should have something as a drawback too, to keep it balanced.
In this case, low strength seems quite good to me.
Because this means that having a downed tackling skill can be a graet advantage, but you still must think twice before using it.
While I agree with your reasoning, I also think star players should be dangerous enough (although not being overpowered either). But unless there is a 0-star power player lying down at the matchup then I would rather pass on the ability to make the star Mummy tackle (we´re still talking about the star player, not the normal Mummy from the roster) and have a chance to regenerate instead. Actually I might always want to do this instead of tackling, which makes the presence of the tackling skill a bit pointless since the 1-power makes it too dangerous to use. Regenerate a 5-power player seems infinitely a better choice.
Again, I´m talking about this particular player (Mamma Hotep or something, I can't recall her name), not the Sudden Death teams in general which I think are well-balanced.
I think that, as far as downed tackle skill is concerned, using it with a strength of 1 is, perhaps surprisingly, less dangerous, in fact.
Because, if your player is injured, you will only have 1 point less at the end of the matchup.
Whereas, if you are lucky enough (remember, with a strength of 1, you have the same chance to tackle a 5-power star than a 2-power player ), you can, even, downed the player who tackled your player in the first place.
Of course, I am not saying that you should use a downed tackle skill every time your player/star is successfully tackled.
But, I am convinced that, in some cases, it is worthy, because you have more to win (if you manage to take down your target) than to loose (if your player is injured).
For example, your player is already commited to a matchup against a 3-power player and your opponent play a 5-power star with a tackle skill and use it against your player with success. In that case, you are loosing this matchup, even if you manage to regenerate. So, IMHO, use tackle ! If you fail, you still loose. But… if you manage to take down the big guy you have more chance to win.
I would love to see a Lizardmen, Amazon & Norse expansion.
I agree the contracts seems boring, its just more fans at the end of the day. Maybe tie it into the number of highlights/tourneys you win?
and i keep trying to think how the Stunty mechanic would work.. got nothing… good thing i dont work for FFG.
On the Mumma Hotep topic, I can agree on the fact there will be situations when tackling a stronger player may be the best alternative to pull out a victory, but in my mind regeneration still sounds like the best way to achieve this rather than the tackle attempt. Because statistically speaking, the odds for you to tackle down a stronger player is much less than the odds to regenerate a 5-power player, which I believe is probably the most relevant factor for winning match-ups for the raw 5-power it provides (against 1 if Mumma Hotep lies down). So that without objecting the theory around the use of the tackling skill on a downed (1 power) player, I still believe its use is marginal in 99% of the situations. Then of course, sure, if you really want to injure that 0-power player because one of your opponent has a staff upgrade granting him fans for downed players for whatever reason, sure, that's another possible use, but as far as winning matchups is concerned, there is no big reflexion in my opinion, go for regeneration.
I agree, this expansion has been great (With the exception of Vampires which I view as a failed team). Undead seem to be a little more powerful than Dark Elves but both are strong teams and made it into the upper echelons of our top teams at least.
I really liked the contract tokens. I found prior to the expansion there was a lot of fan counting going on and it was all very precise, the leader knew he was X in the lead and could afforce to grab some Star Players this turn etc… it was a bit too clinical. The addition of Contract Tokens makes things less certain which means even if someone thinks they're in the lead they can't let up on their hunt for fans or tournament attendance and can sometimes lead to a comeback from them stretching themselves too thin.
Enchanted dice are fun, we tried mixing them all together (old and new balls) in our last game though wasn't that keen on that variant, probably go back to just Enchanted Dice. It also serves in my opinion as a bit of a balancer as simply holding the ball doesn't always give you any +SP now so the base teams with poor ball handling can win more matchups (we found Chaos one of the worst base teams because of this, unless you were very lucky on your cheats).
For future expansions I also thought they'd do a Lustrian expansion next with Lizards and Amazon but was at a loss for the 3rd team. I also thought they could do an expansion that added a new team to each of the current decks.
i hadn't thought about "fan counting" as a reason for the contracts; but it makes a lot of sense.
Though i do think the Vampires are more of a 'Hard' difficulty level than a failed team.. but i do appreciate the variety they bring..
but more, more, MORE!
So STUNTY.. I'm thinking an ability that lets you move the player to another matchup; maybe after a failed block. I'm a big fan of the lizards so i'd be ecstatic to see them included.