Sith Control Post Desolation

By dbmeboy, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

So now that Desolation of Hoth is out, it's time to update our decks. I haven't really had much trouble figuring out what I can do with my Jedi, Rebel, or Navy decks, but I can't quite figure out where to go with my Sith deck. The deck currently is:

Fall of the Jedi x2

Counsel of the Sith x2

The Emperor's Web x2

Shadows of Dathomir x2

Cruel Interrogations x1

Recon Mission x1

Now the problem: I would love to fit just about any of the new objective sets into the deck, but I can't find anything I would cut for them.

The Killing Cold : I'd play it for the Icetromper and Fear. The Desolation of Hoth could be nice, but I'm not sold on it yet without some more Hoth objective sets out there to use it with. Oh, and Twist of Fate.

Lord Vader's Command : Less of a pure control, but being able to go up to 4 copies of Darth Vader would certainly be nice. This Vader wouldn't combo as well with Force Choke, but can still take up his Lightsaber and be quite the threat. The probe droids make it harder for the LS to attack profitably. And of course Imperial Suppression would be a sweet card to have available.

Shadows on the Ice : At this point, I would only run this set with 2x The Killing Cold so that I can be more certain to have some Hoth objectives out. Succumb to the Cold! would be a nice addition to control and the Wampa provides quite a bit of defensive bang for the buck.

So yeah, I guess that's not a bad problem to have - I like my current deck too much to drop any of its pieces but I like the new cards too much to not try to include them. What are your guys' thoughts?

Lord Vader's Command would be nice once you see you are playing against a Rebel Vehicle deck. I know you can just Force Choke a guard or something, but they are practically useless against this LS deck. The Imp Vader now would give you a more direct assault style and those Oppressions get rid of the Rebel assaults for a turn. Though in the big picture it might be trying to do too much and out of your "theme" of the deck.

I changed my Sith deck to the three Hoth objectives. So in your set up, take out the Dathomirs and the Recon (though I love this pod).

Shadows of Dathomir is definitely on the short list of objective sets… but they're the only 2-resource objectives in my deck right now and that's crucial for the turn-1 Vader.

I tried the the new Hoth objectives together, but you're really losing too much - it just falls on it's face against Rebels. Desolation is like second Force Lightning, but Icetrompers are useless against vehicles. As far as Jedi go, you have a better chance, but in my case, losing Interrogation proved disastrous every single time. Not to mention the resource problem you will be facing. With 4 Twists the deck wins almost every Edge battle, but does not have the necessary icons to hold the Force - and we all know LS will eventually get their crap together. I am having lots of fun playing it, but haven't won a single game yet (that's with two Emperors, two Vaders, two Desolations, two Counsels, the new Wampas and Espo Troopers - I don't really thing changing Espo with for example plus 1 card Mission would suddenly make it work). I am going back to classic Sith and will just change Devastator for the new Vader and see how it goes.

Without more Hoth objectives it will be hard to get the most out of the Hoth cards

I don't think a sub in would be worthwhile and you will need to build a deck around the new Objective sets

Lord Vaders Command might work but as above it might make your deck a bit multi purpose and dilute the other strategies it employees

Without the hyphen, the title of this thread makes me think of the desolation that could occur at a Sith control post. :P

More on topic, if you had to include only one or the other (because that is exactly the problem I'm facing), which is a better objective set for a pure control deck: Fall of the Jedi or The Emperor's Web ?

MarthWMaster said:

Without the hyphen, the title of this thread makes me think of the desolation that could occur at a Sith control post. :P

More on topic, if you had to include only one or the other (because that is exactly the problem I'm facing), which is a better objective set for a pure control deck: Fall of the Jedi or The Emperor's Web ?

I think you can do a lot worse than dropping in the three Hoth objectives into Sith control. Icetrompers and Wampas are both great defenders. Icetromper can shut down Han and random 2-health weenies, and do ping damage to set up Force Choke. Wampas are an insane value against Rebels: extremely difficult to take down, and striking for two damage after you (inevitably) win the edge battle.

Shadows of Dathomir is definitely the pod to go from the original list (along with one of the singletons, probably). If you'd been running Imperial Command, it's probably a litle bit tougher, but I still might prefer the Hoth stuff. Wampas are harder to Rebel Assault than Heavy Stormies, and can't be Jedi Mind Tricked. Orbital Bombardment doesn't do much in Sith, and Motti is good but somewhat vulnerable. Plus, if you play the Hoth stuff instead of Imperial Command, you can play one or more Heart of the Empire if you want.

I'm not sold at all on Lord Vader's Command in a Sith control deck. If you're not attacking, Navy Vader is horrible, and putting him out prevents you from playing your real Vader that does stuff. If you want to play both Vader pods, I think you have to be playing a Navy deck that splashes Sith or maybe a 6/4 Sith/Navy that is going for aggro/control. Lord Vader's Command plus either Ultimate Power or Imperial Command, for example, along with six Sith objectives. Not sure how good it would be, but between Orbital Bombardment and Navy Vader, you could make some relevant attacks.

cyberfunk said:

If you'd been running Imperial Command, it's probably a litle bit tougher, but I still might prefer the Hoth stuff. Wampas are harder to Rebel Assault than Heavy Stormies, and can't be Jedi Mind Tricked.

You can play Jedi Mind Trick on a Creature.

That's what I get for not reading the card… still like Wampas better. :)

If I were going to swap anything out - which I am not certain is the best idea - then I would say exchange Shadows (one Dathomir for one Ice). I agree with others that the exchange of shadow sisters to Wampas is an upgrade, and they are more resilient to Han AND Rebel Assault. Not certain if at this point Battle of Hoth is better than Disturbance, and in the same vein Succumb to the Cold is situational.

If you're planning to play in any organized events, I would think about subbing the Shadows over Dathomir sets for the Devastor set. You might just want something that can knock out an objective or two, since the number of objectives destroyed is the tie-break.

Crouton said:

If you're planning to play in any organized events, I would think about subbing the Shadows over Dathomir sets for the Devastor set. You might just want something that can knock out an objective or two, since the number of objectives destroyed is the tie-break.

You'd think so on paper, but in play that doesn't seem to work out to be a problem. For instance, in the OCTGN tournament going on right now this deck has destroyed 2, 2, and then 3 LS objectives while winning. Basically, once the deck has board control established you can attack with Vader, the Emperor, or several of the smaller units (Nightsisters, Kuati Security Team, Dark Side Apprentice) to end the game.

Why does the Sith Hoth control fall on its face versus Rebels? If you inevitably win the edge battle, LS loses a lot of its blast icons on the fighters and such. I tried my Rebel deck against a Hoth Sith control and Sith did very well against it. What tactics were you vulnerable to against the Rebels? I think adding The Killing Cold to Sith control is the right move.