cant login at the website

By player1085847, in Descent Quest Vault Open Beta

Hey all,

Anyone else having trouble to login? It uses the same username and password as the normal fantasy flight website right?

message I get is the my username (email) and password dont match, but I can login on the normal website.

using firefox browser.

I also have the same problem and it seems to be the same thing for many others.

I get

Forbidden (403)

CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.

using crome or firefox

so how do we fix this issue? I keep getting the login screen, even though I am logged in already

It happened to me rromanello13 whenever I tried to log in with firefox.

Then i've used chrome and got in with first attempt. So the solutin I'd say is: use different browser.

i tried it with ff, chrome and ie... everytime i got redirected to login screen (but logged in)

i tried it with ff, chrome and ie... everytime i got redirected to login screen (but logged in)

I am logging in just fine with the latest version of chrome, no problems. Try clearing your cache.

got contacted by support really fast... everything is working fine now.

thanks for your help

ive got same problem and left a message in tech support heard nothing from them yet over a week ago now,,,ive got latest chrome.but just kicks me to login screen i also cleared cache still same thing

FFG website maybe use google program code