Looking for some Northern Utah Players!
I'm near Ogden and play at Endzone.
Who else do we have?
Looking for some Northern Utah Players!
I'm near Ogden and play at Endzone.
Who else do we have?
I just moved into the area and will be teaching my brother how to play. I live in clearfield and will be playing at endzone as well.
Sweet, go here http://www.salmondworks.com/ for the local stores.
Mike, likes to demos and he has russians I have Allies, we need to play. Check the DUST link on the local forum.
See ya on the battlefeild.
Great!! I tried to join but it kept telling me to input my user name even though I had.
We'll be playing up at Endzone around 6pm on Friday April 5th.
We have about 4-5 guys that at Gamenight games on 2100 south 951 east in SLC
Cool, when do you guys play? I might brave it one day evne though it is a bit of a trip form Ogden.
I'm just getting started and looking for people to play. I live in ogden but am flexible and can travel. Is group still playing in slc?
I'll be playing at End Zone as well...