Edge of the Empire Final Core Book?

By mrchrislackey, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I have the beta rule book and the rules updates from the playtest. But I was wondering if anything else was going to be changed? Or the final rule book a format / rules clarification kinda thing?

I'm horrible. What I meant to say was…

Is there any word on rules changes on the final product? Or have they all been addressed in the playtest updates?


No word and no way to say for certain until the release of the core book.

Back in the beta posts, the mods stated pretty clearly there were changes that would be made in the core book that weren't reflected in beta updates. Attachments/mods for melee weapons being a prime example.

Basically, if you're asking if you'll have a copy of the final rules by combining the beta text with the updates, the answer is no, you will not.

I don't think we know how much will change, but there will be changes. After the core book is released, the beta text will be completely obsolete. You can keep playing with the old beta rules, obviously, but you'll still need to purchase the entire corebook to have the complete game.


No, no. I'm buying the core book. I MUST have it! I'm just curious as to how much has changed.

I am a bit annoyed that Knowlege: Underworld and Streetwise are two different skills. I get that they are different, but so is climbing and swimming and those don't have two skills. Whateves.

No, no. I'm buying the core book. I MUST have it! I'm just curious as to how much has changed.

I am a bit annoyed that Knowlege: Underworld and Streetwise are two different skills. I get that they are different, but so is climbing and swimming and those don't have two skills. Whateves.

mrchrislackey said:

No, no. I'm buying the core book. I MUST have it! I'm just curious as to how much has changed.

I am a bit annoyed that Knowlege: Underworld and Streetwise are two different skills. I get that they are different, but so is climbing and swimming and those don't have two skills. Whateves.

Thems what house-rules be for.

mrchrislackey said:

No, no. I'm buying the core book. I MUST have it! I'm just curious as to how much has changed.

I am a bit annoyed that Knowlege: Underworld and Streetwise are two different skills. I get that they are different, but so is climbing and swimming and those don't have two skills. Whateves.

If it helps any, think of Streetwise and Know: Underworld this way…

Streetwise is being able to 'blend in' and not look like a tourist, to quickly figure out the who's who in the local power structure, and maybe get some leads on jobs that need doing. But it's also short-term and basic details, not the full picture in most instances, and would require a bit of digging or asking around, and hopefully doing so in a way that doesn't put you in somebody else's cross-hairs (at least not yet).

Know: Underworld is knowing the general ins and outs of the criminal side of the galaxy, who the big dogs are, maybe a clue or three about Black Sun (beyond "screw with them at your own peril"), and a solid idea of how the Hutt cartel system works. To say nothing of a general sense of where Imperial customs are pretty tight, where they're lax, and what sort of illegal jobs with provide the best payoff for the least amount of potential risk. This would generally be stuff you've heard or read about in the past, and wouldn't require quite as much asking around to check that all your info is up-to-date and current.

So Streetwise would ultimately be about the local criminal scene as it currently stands with a few details on the major players the immediate area after poking around, where Know: Underworld encompasses the criminal scene on a much broader scale, giving you the skinny on the criminal scene in lots of different places without as much poking around.

At least that's how I reconcile the existence of the two seperate skills.

I see Knowledge: Underworld as learning everything you can about Cartels, the Mafia, Yakuza, etc (much as an FBI agent might). However, the actual application, such as going undercover or just blending in/working the streets, is an entirely different skill.

Just another way of saying what mrchrislackey did. :)