I have been thinking of home rules for attack dogs. I was planning on having 2 attack dogs that can be attached to any armor 1 or 2 infantry to add additonal close combat dice for the sqaud. Points cost for the 2 dogs would be 3 points. The fact that they can go into armor 1 or 2 units made me think that if they are in armor 2 squads I would need a flak jacket on them. Does anyone know where I could find dog models (german shepard or doberman) the correct scale? Does anyone have any other ideas?
Attack dogs
Just thought about having 2 zombie dogs that can be attached to the new ubertoten squads at point cost of 6 for the 2 attack dogs.
Would they increase their health as well? 3 point seem a bit cheap…but then again commisar are 5-7 point each so maybe not.
for Armor two you can argue that dogs are smaller target so its harder to hit?
I am not sure of the scale but Zombicide 2 is coming out with both Zombie dogs and "survivor" dogs. The zombie dogs could be useful for axis.
Thanks for the the the input and the dog model info.
Are the soldier models 1:35 or 1:48 scale. I can't remember. I found a guard post with german soldiers and 2 dogs with are 1:35 scale.
Dust is 1:48 scale, a bit bigger than the Zombicide, I have the whole shabang ordered on Kickstarter, and will post some comparison shots as when they come.
Thanks. I did find a german shepard model from an Austrailian model company that is 1:48. That helps alot.