Do you think that Sgt. Victory will be getting the 1st sidekick? In the fluff about him in Icarus on page 9 they mention that he has a brother who has been captured in Zverograd and that he has received orders form the President to go find his brother. I think that it is a possiblity since the sidekick rule is mentioned in Hades when Winters child was released.
1st sidekick
My personal theory is that Tina will be the first Axis superhero and Hyane will be her sidekick.
I rather think Victory's brother will be a superhuman as well, as the story in the Icarus rule booklet states that several family members had special powers. Victory's abilities were kind of "unlocked" during the so-called "Baltimore project", an experimental process to give humans special powers. So I'd say the military sends Victory to rescue his brother because they think he'd also get special abilities.