Melina entered the key code into the pic set. A moment latter the pic screen displayed the word "connecting" and then it showed a picture of the Illustrious Prince Hash Vandersal. "Melina," he smiled weakly, "what a pleasure."
"I'm sure," she purred. "I was just wondering when you're going to have another of your wonderful parties."
"Um soon," he replied distractedly.
"Well, I kind of promised my cousin Tolesan that I could take him some place really spectacular. Naturally, I meant your party."
"Tolesan? He's interested?" She had his full attention now.
"Why yes. Didn't I say? But if you aren't going to have one, then I'll have to think of something else. A pity. He was interested in being among all the best people and I so built up his expectations about the event. Oh well."
"Wait!" Hash cried. "We uh, I mean I can schedule one soon, if it would mean so much to your cousin. We would be delighted to have more members of House Sevall among us."
"Excellent!" She smiled and clapped her hands together. "Thank you!"
"I'll have a man sent around with the invitations."
"Wonderful. You're my savior." She batted her eyes and the screen went dark. She clicked a button. "Well, they really did want me for access to my family."
"Yes," said Gix. The inquisitor was standing behind the pic screen. "But they would have found other uses for you as well. I doubt you would have been willing to debase yourself to the level necessary to become a luminary in the cult. After they had used you up you would have become one of its victims."
She shuddered. "Now what?"
"We continue to make life miserable for those poor unfortunates in the slums. Hopefully we'll remove a large number of criminals and parasites in the process. I wouldn't even be surprised if we found a real cult in there. Let the Slaaneshi get comfortable with all the activity. They throw their party. We crash it while targeting decapitation strikes at every other known member. The cult collapses, the Inquisition takes control, and we burn them out."
"And things go back to the way they were," she said sadly.
"No. We build it back better."
"You say that like you mean it."
"It can be done. It has been done. It will be done." Gix's tone invited no dissent.
Arbites Rhinos patrolled the streets. The rich and powerful were not to be disturbed by xenos cultists or the rioting touched off by the Inquisition purge. As always, the powers that be took care of its own. Or so they thought.
The armoured stretch limousine bearing the Sevall crest was let through the gates around Vandershal's town house. As a cadet branch of the ruling family, the Vandershals were permitted to own homes near the commander's palace. Over the millenia such favors had been granted many times and space was at a premium. The town houses grew up rather than sprawled sideways and had little room for courtyards or parking.
So the limousine parked at the curb and the driver stepped back to open the door. Melina Sevall, a masked man about her height wearing fabulous black silks, and a huge brute wearing Sevall livery exited the vehicle. The liveried guards nodded respectfully. She was expected and late beyond the standard that was fashionable.
The limousine wasn't leaving, which was odd. The Royal Sector had a building dedicated to parking and was walled off from the rest of the city. Visitors sent their vehicles there and recalled them when they wished to leave. So why wasn't the limo leaving?
The masked man tossed something forward and a haywire burst fried monitoring and coms equipment. Less than a second latter the footmen's brains blew out the back of their skulls. Inquisition snipers on a roof two hundred meters away tracked for new targets. The Rhinos stopped and opened their ramps. Inquisition armsmen, Sororitas, and Abrites poured toward the house.
The armsman by Melina escorted her back, pistol drawn. Keys waited, grinning behind his mask as two huge figures exited the limo. One was Hethor D'eckor in full battle armour with an armature mounted drum fed cannon at the ready. The other was Jolan Gix is matte black power armour with the Inquisition's symbol marked in gold.
The troops had only been informed of their true mission minutes ago. There had been no time for leaks. Inquisition lead strike teams were acting simultaneously all over the planet. The hammer of the Emperor's wrath was descending.
A servant gasped as dark armoured Inquisition stormtroopers charged down the hall. Hellguns struck her in the hip, abdomen, and chest. The water in her tissues flash vaporized and her body was propelled backwards in a mist of blood. Maps of the nameless target had been distributed and studied. The killers knew exactly where to go.
The descended to the basement with the Arbites right behind them. The area was littered with storage boxes, but a clear path lead to a door guarded by a pair of guards in scarlet and gold They gunned down the surprised staff before they could react. The liveried bodies slumped. The stormtroopers waited for ten seconds as Arbites came down the stairs behind them and then opened the armoured door. A long stairway was revealed. Grenades bounced down the steps, followed closely by Arbiters with bolt pistols and charged suppression shields. Loud, hypnotic music and screams came from the area below.
The grenades detonated in a series of loud bangs, spraying the area with shrapnel. The Arbiters stormed forward. A vast room was revealed. A sunken pit in the middle dominated the room. Above it was a raised dais attached to the ceiling. Sections of the room were partially obscured by silk curtains. Directly ahead luminaries lounged on a mound of pillows.
What was occurring on the dais and within the pit would haunt hardened Arbiters for the rest of their days. Men who had seen the rat gnawed corpses of children, women raped and brutalized and passed around from gang to gang, and men broken on the autorack were appalled. Some hesitated in horror.
An explosive round decapitated a monstrous mutant that was ****** three prepubescent children simultaneous on the dais. Bolt pistols roared. A grenade launcher was leveled.
The Arbiter the the grenade launcher slid to the floor with his eyes glazed. The two with the suppression shields fell screaming, clawing at their eyes. The servants of dread Chaos were not without resources.
Some of the cultists had begun to realize, despite their drugged stupor, that they were in danger. The struggled up to run or to hide. Combat shotguns opened up with executioner rounds. Hellguns fired bolt after blazing bolt into the crowd. Limbs were severed from bodies, torsos blown open, and head exploded. Blood spray mixed with other fluids as the revelers died in droves. A few armed cultists fired back. They succeeded in attracting murderous retaliatory fire.
A stormtrooper staggered and suddenly turned on his comrades. A sustained blast of from his plasma gun turned two others into char. A crimson hellgun blast took him in the neck and he dropped. A wave of blue fire passed over the Arbiters and left nothing but ash.
A white flashed ate part of the ceiling. It was a four meter drop to the floor. Two Sororitas plunged down through the hole. One had a flamer, the other a bolter. They started killing. Heretics became screaming torches or were blown apart. They advanced and two more sisters of battle descended. As the boots of the second pair of sisters touched the floor Jolan Gix, Harad, and Hethor D'eckor descended the stairs.
The Psy King cursed. He recognized Gix's mind flavor and that did not worry him, but the psyker in the gold armour was even stronger than Gix. The priestess of Slaanesh beside him quivered. The other psyker was already striking telepathically. More troops were coming all the time and all of them had received conditioning which made them damned hard to take over.
Time to throw in the losing hand. Gix was clever, for an Imperial, the Psy King would give him that. He had hopes of using the Slaaneshi to serve Tzeentch's interests but that was clearly not to be. It was going to be hard enough to just get out alive. The Psy King directed his pets forward while he made for the bolt hole behind the cushions. An executioner round swerved away from him and two hellgun blasts dissipated into bursts of light. Blessed was he who walked the path of the Changer of the Ways.
He tore down the tapestry and slid open the door. Easy enough. When he managed to get free of this rock he was going to half to do something about those surviving inquisitors from Adraxis. Sending Jolan Gix the way of Nathan Talstrem and sending Pater Novum to meet his late mentor had just been made priorities.
Four robe acolytes had been standing next to the Psy King and other dignitaries. They still stood, despite two of them having been sprayed with shrapnel and another being hit twice with hellgun fire. They tore off their robes and sprung forward. Behind them the Slaaneshi priestess writhed on the ground, blood pouring from her ears, mouth, nostrils and eyes. She had lost her battle against Inquisitor Harad.
The acolytes' bodies were covered in charms and branded runes. Their eyes glowed with green fire. Fingers were tipped with claws, bodies armoured in scales and distorted plates of bones. They were hosts to soldier daemons and tightly bound.
The lead daemonhost reached the first battle sister. Promethium had set it alight and bolters rounds had cratered its unnatural tough flesh. It's claws tore through ceramite armour and gouged out her throat. She fell, her combat knife buried in the daemon's guts.
It stepped forward to slay the next sister. She pointed the bulky meltagun in her hands at its chest and pulled the trigger. An white hot blast reduced the daemonhost to ash and smoking bones. The rest fell on the battle sisters.
Bolters fired and chainswords hacked. Warp reinforced flesh parted and bled. They clawed through ceramite and merely mortal flesh. Gouged, bloody, and battered they slew. The tossed body parts of the slain at the Imperials and howled. If the Sororitas could not stand against them, what chance did the others have?
A lance of blue-white flame struck the lead daemon. Ash was blasted away from shriveled sticks of bone as the flames burned the flesh and the daemon's spirit. It howled as Jolan Gix obliterated it. The other two lunged forward to seize and kill the inquisitor.
Hethor's cannon fired. Large caliber silver slugs, inscribed with runes of anathema and blessed in an Imperial cathedral, tore through the daemonhosts as if they were mortal. The burst tore them almost in half. White fire blazed from the bullet holes. Hethor lowered the gun and fired again as Gix propelled himself across the room with a surge of telekinetic force.
He ran through the concealed corridor. The Psy King was just ahead, he could feel his presence. "No more escapes! This time I will end you!"
The Psy King turned, wrapped in a corona of pink fire and blue mist. His current body was slim, red haired, and devilishly handsome. He was clad in dark blue silks. "Do you think so Gix? Remember these?" He held up a small glass orb that swirled with the light of a dozen stolen souls. He crushed it and the power flowed into him. His eyes blazed silver. "Now, who will be needing to escape from whom, I wonder?"