Gard Vikal smiled brightly as Jolan Gix walked into his workroom. "Inquisitor, I'm glad to see you."
Gix smiled and looked over the work benches and arcane machinery. A wizards lab, sure enough. "Since you asked for my presence doctor, the least I could do was show up."
Gard through open his arms. "Behold, the fruits of our labors. Inquisitor, if I had known this would be the result of being apprehended, I would have turned myself in years ago."
Gix smiled at the joke. "I take it you have made some break through that you wish to share?"
"Indeed. Come over here and allow me to present this archeotech miracle, reproduced through the application of science to the craft of technomancy."
He pointed at a table. "I regret to say that my favorite project, that of coming up with a viable method of mass producing copies of Xenarch capacitors has still not met with satisfactory results. But I have met with other successes."
He lead Gix to a table with a bundle covered in cloth. "And now the unveiling," he said as swept the cloth off.
"Is that what I think it is?"
"Yes, an Inferno Pistol. Performance should be somwhat superior to that of those you would be able to obtain from the Ordo. Range, energy delivered, and even ammunition capacity are all superior to the performance statistics in your arms manuals. I know you like heavy power in a compact package inquisitor and I would hate to lose you to a plasma pistol overload."
"Thank you doctor. Your efforts are appreciated."
"You're welcome inquisitor. Now I have a list of several items which may improve my facilities . . . "
In the deep dark at the edge of a dead star system, a ship that did not exist hosted a meeting of some of the most powerful individuals in human space. Most of them were inquisitors, but the membership of the conspiracy had spread beyond the Inquisition. Not all of the membership was present, but all the players that were not present had a proxy at this meeting. Most of them knew some of the other participants. Recognition codes and private verification meetings allowed the members to be sure that they were free from infiltration and maintain their anonymity.
With their identities verified the conspirators met in a great hall around a great circular table. This whole section of the ship was abandoned, except for robots and maintenance servitors, to preserve the participants anonymity.
One of the robed and masked figures spoke. His or her voice was electronically modulated to be gender neutral. "This meeting was called at my instigation. A dangerous course of action is being promoted by certain members of our order. It must be addressed."
Kyra Neven spoke. Her voice was identical to that of the first speaker. "You speak of the tech dispersion effort."
"Yes," he replied. "It undermines the Imperium. Control over the distribution of high technology, especially starship and weaponry, is one of the tools the High Lords use to maintain their authority. By distributing high technology you increase the power of rebels and the temptation to rebel."
"My colleague's words are correct," replied the altered voice of Jolan Gix. "However those will not be the only effects with regard to central authority. Technologically advanced worlds are wealthier and part of that wealth will end up in the hands of the Ecclesiarchy, the Inquisition, and the Officio Assassinorum. Increasing tech base will make such items as power armour and bolters cheaper by increasing supply allowing the outfitting of greater numbers of Orders Militants of Adeptus Sororitas. Troops under direct Inquisition control."
"Furthermore, it will increase population levels and tax base as well as increasing the the number and improving the equipment of various recruitment organs. More Inquisitional Storm Troopers, armsmen, assassins, psykers, and inquisitors. And I haven't mentioned the two new techniques for dealing with damaged gene seed. They aren't miracles, but they mean more Astartes. Arming them will be easier as well. And needless to say, I haven't even touched on how these benefits will increase the power of the the Adeptus Arbites, whose business it is to put down rebellions before they start."
"But these considerations, as important as they are, are ultimately distractions. The Imperium has been in decline for ten thousand years. The status quo is a disaster waiting to happen and everyone at this table is here because they understand this. While triggering a civil war with the Adeptus Mechanicus is a disaster, so is continuing a slide into technobarbarism. Our problems are getting worse. New daemon worlds, outside the Eye of Terror. The Hive Fleets. The resurrection of the Necrons. We cannot meet these threats with answers that were already failing."
The first speaker spoke again. "You would risk civil war on your ideas? You reek of hubris Jolan Gix!"
The meeting went quiet. A new voice spoke. Soft, whispery, male. "Names are forbidden here."
Gix spoke again. "You have no answers but to continue failed policies. It is no longer enough to attempt to repair the cracks in Imperial society. We must take bold steps to bolster Imperial Power. Emperor class battleships must again be build in the shipyards of Segmentum Capitals. The grand cruiser must reemerge to take its rightful place among the ships of the line. The Imperial Guard must be armed with weapons to place it on a more equal footing with technologically advanced xenos. The Adeptus Astartes and Sororitas must grow. We must claim more of our psykers before they become dangers and make them into assets. The Imperium of Man must rise again!"
The first speaker shouted back. "Listen to him! He would take the mantle of our Emperor. Heresy!"
A brutal, mechanical, and male voice spoke. Maladar. "You dare call Imperial rebirth heresy?"
"Your plan is bold my brother," said the whisperer. "In all my time of service I have never contemplated anything so grand."
Gix replied. "The opportunity fell into my hands. I could not turn my back on it. And I hear no objections but fear. I will tell you my fears. An empire that is crumbling under the weight of its own corruption and decay, besieged by terrible forces from without. I go out and confront my fear every day as do countless billions. We have an opportunity to do something other than slow down our deaths and pray for miracles. What commander will not take a risky gambit over inevitable defeat? And who better to make this decision?"
The whisperer spoke again. "Does anyone have anything else to say?" No one spoke. Too many knew the whisperer and understood that his words were an instruction to dispense with debate unless they had something new and important to contribute. "All in favor?"
Three quarters of the table raised their hands. "Then it is agreed. Those that are in favor of this proposal will carry it forth without opposition from the others. This motion will be reviewed at our next meeting."
The primaries and proxies dispersed as their meeting broke up. Old comrades took this opportunity to speak with old friends or to pursue avenues of mutual interest. In a small chamber a particularly important piece of business was being conducted.
"Isran overstepped his bounds," said the whisperer. "He spoke Gix's name to expose him to violence. Two violations of our laws."
Maladar's reply was blunt. "You want me to kill him."
"You should have said so."
"I thought I did."
Maladar shrugged. He was going to kill the weasel bastard anyway, for pretty much the same reason. Gix might be risking a lot, but at least he was going full bore and had a chance of succeeding. Besides, Isran was moving against Maladar's allies and Maladar wasn't naive enough to believe rules would stop him. Maladar knew of only one satisfactory solution for people like that. He smiled, a truly terrible thing to behold. The whisperer flinched. Maladar laughed as visions of violent death filled his brain.