Committing to the Force -- When and Who?

By Reznik1234, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

Finaly got more games in last night. While playing, I kept stuggling with when and who I commited to the force. I built the Trooper Article Deck and I realize it is Aggro. Do you guys like to commit someone on the first turn to flip the balance card? Do you even worry about that with DS Aggro…or any Aggro deck for that matter?

When playing control, who are your non-elite go to's for commiting to the force for both LS and DS in order get either the DS dial ticking faster or pinging objectives?

I seem to always struggle with when I should commit to the force with the extra focus is costs to strike. Hope I was clear in my questions and thanks for the help!

This depends on board position quite a bit, obviously. That said, some general suggestions:

Characters can commit and still be ready to defend, they simply won't be ready as quickly. Once you've launched any attacks you're going to take a look at the units you have left.

Elite characters tend to be good choices, as they can remove both of the focus takens they take from striking. Of course, if you play aggressively, this is of limited use because you'll be focused during the struggle phase.

Likewise, characters whose primary function is something other than attacking and defending tend to be good for committing to the force. 3PO generally sits around waiting to get hit by a superlaser, for example, so while he's doing that, you might as well commit him. On the dark side, Tarkin's ability doesn't require him to attack or defend, and he has minimal combat icons, so he's often a good choice.

That being said, it's often not the case that you have to commit huge numbers of icons to grab the force, especially on the light side, where it matters less if you keep it. Sure, the extra point of damage is nice, but it's more important to have it at the beginning of the dark side's turn to keep that click off the dial, and by the time they grab it back, it's too late. (Conversely, however, if you're playing dark side, you'll probably want to -- and be able to, since you're likely on defense more often) commit more icons.)

That in mind, I generally find it's better as light side to commit only a few icons, whether from smaller characters or from other sources like Jedi Training, and rely more on taking away your opponent's committed characters with tactics, targeted strikes, jedi mind tricks, and the like.

All in all, though, it really depends on who you're playing, who you're opponent's playing, and what's on the board.

I guess I jumped the gun a bit before I saw the bit about "non-elite" go to's, but I did suggest at least one. :P

Its cool, lol and thanks for the reply. I think part of my issue is in just about every game I play, I am always better when on the defensive side and not the aggresor. In a non-tournament setting, I feel like I tend to play DS better than LS especially Sith. I have not played Light Side as much yet, although every time I go on the attack of an objective I am so wary of getting attacked back on their turn and the dial advancing further.

I say all that to say, when I commit someone to the force, I second guess myself a lot. I don't want ot commit, then have to defend with that commited person and take them out of the game essentially for two turns (thats if I have nothing to remove multiple focus on the board). It feels easier on DS because i just sit with my commited dude and play on the defensive side.

Thanks for the comments!

I think a first turn commitment to the Force for the Dark Side is a great play most of the time. If your opponent is playing with Jedi Training out, it may not be so smart but if you can grab control of the balance quickly it speeds up the clock on the light side quite a bit and forces them to try and get it back which can be easier said than done. Characters that generate resources or have Protect are prime targets for commitment because their abilities are not contingent on fighting.

Concur with previous comments. Great targets include:

1- Units with Protect

2- Units whose abilities can be used regardless of their ready status

3- Units with the Elite Characteristic

MasterJediAdam said:

1- Units with Protect

I agree with the imperial guard, but the usefulness of guardians of peace is significantly reduced if they can't go get a shield every turn. :)

Besides the Elite characters, great characters to commit to the force are characters that you'll never really attack with, but still have a great ability and force icons:

LIGHT SIDE: C-3PO, Repair Droid

DARK SIDE: Tarkin, Imperial Officer,