About Arcane Power v2.0

By Budmilka_fr, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Hi everyone,

About the AP errata there is a slight change compared to FAQ 1.9, and I'm not talking about the red text " Should have the “Limited” keyword and read: ".

In FAQ 1.9 we have : " …if you control a legend or blablabla"

In the FAQ 2.0 we have : “If you control a legend or blablabla”

There is no "…" here. So does that mean you do not draw a card anymore in the 2.0 version ?

Thank you.

the question of Budmilka is interesting, this is an oversight or has actually changed the text and not draw anymore the card? Anyone have an answer? Entropy, Mallumo what you think about?

This has been going on for a while, and I don't know how Entropy feels about it, but I really don't think there's a need to ask for answers from one of us. There are other competent people around. Other people who have located the "Rules questions" link.

About Arcane Power: Apparently, this has been difficult for some people, I've been asked about it by others too. Yes, there's no "…". That doesn't mean the text in the errata is supposed to be the full card text. Because then it wouldn't even be an "Action:", that's not in the errata text either. It would be a Tactic with a constant effect, that doesn't make any sense. They forgot to print the "…", probably because it was just a change to the previous errata. The errata for The Unending Horde is missing the "…" at the start too, but no one seems to think you can't attach units to it anymore.

So, Arcane Power should be read as


Action: Draw a card. Then, if you control a legend or Artefact support card, return target card (other than an Arcane Power) from your discard pile to your hand.

Brad has confirmed this.

thanks for the reply, no problem to hear other opinions, just a acknowledgement to those who often intervenes with competence in matters of regulation.