Combine X-Wing and Edge?

By player1714252, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Sorry if thats a repost, I haven't found anything but who knows.

My Question/Idea is simple: How could one combine the Edge SpaceShip Combat with X-Wing?

My first try will simply keep all the Edge combat and "upgrade"/exchange the abstarct "close", "medium", etc Rangesystem with spaceship moves in the X-Wing mechanics. The x-wing pilotskills will play role, I'll just keep the initiativeorder from edge..

I imagine hunting a YT-1200 wildly dodgeing (pilot player) TIEs while two players are shooting back using the turrets

Possible Jobs:

Pilot: obvious, decides where to go and can do all normal manouvers without a pliot skill check, all red with a simple test, more fancy stuff with an appropriate skill check. Maybe shooting concussion missles in a 90 front arc when flying 1 straight

Gunners: Nothing fancy, just Pew Pew within the Edge Rules, Distance is measured with the x-wing tape

That occupies up to three Players, if there are more on bord they can do different things:

Copilot: operating scanners, shields, shooting concussion missles in a 90 front arc

Navigator: use skill checks to accelerate the time to hyperjump, maybe find your hyperjump target in the maps first, etc

Mechanic: fixing damage, jury rigging containers to make buildship mines that they can throw out the cargobay in midflight

Any thoughts on that?

there is extensive discussion of such in the beta forums.

In general, the consensus seems to be that that is the best mode to transition to minis play with edge ships and characters, but that it's a lot more work for little gain.