new team

By Swordsman_Joe, in New Key Bearers

everyone has their own right now so i figure i will run with that, neone wanna join. how about team DOOD. i like it. there we go, team DOOD is now formed. requirements for the team.

1. be a michigan player who regularly visits the card castle in wyandotte

2. be more than just a fan of the kingdom hearts game. (i.e. love all of square enix's work)

3. know where i got the team name from, its not hard

email me your apps. and why you should join the team

Hmmm.... tough.... I am in team Five of Spades, but maybe i will change this....

you should. five is just five...bud DOOD. we get serve lord laharl and lady etna

Count me in! Can I join?

jerry, i know that you meet two of the criteria, but for fairness sake, where did i get the name team DOOD. plus, dont forget to have your offering to lord laharl ready, dood.

Definitely not Disgaea... no way you got that from there! gui%C3%B1o.gif

But if you do not want me to join, all you had to do was say so....

lol, i just tease. your in. you da man jerry


you also should let me in to team DOOD since i meet the requirements right joe.

ok, requriement check....GO!

Awsome!!! Thank You Joe