Should natural wepons be given the precision trait? Claws are arguable in my opinion but what about the horns of a bull? Where do we draw the line (i say we don't in terms of creativity but not in terms of power)
Here's what the charecter i'm working on has for a natural weapon. He's a boar he has tusks, the GM and myself (his campaign is going to be run after mine) standard 40 base attack two handed strength bonus (he bucks low and rises up for maximum force, and or puts his whole body into it) can only do full damage if used in a charge (half damage in any other usage no exceptions). Needless to say quite powerful when you account for his STR 10. Now this is not a wild and reckless charge, it is disciplined, focused, and ultimately controlled much like the character. Now I believe daggers and other weapons have the precision ability, feel free to double check that my friend has the book atm. Why shouldn't his tusks? He has plenty of time to line everything up and it's attatched to his face so he can make it go wherever he wants it to if he can make it hit.
Thoughts and comments are welcome also i plan on picking the style module to go with this.