Wants :
Penny arcade sharpie only
Staff cards
Blood runs true
Darkness blade
Feline spike
Ira Spinta
family hierloom
Tsurani Keri ( float brick)
Strifes patronage
Jacky Tang
2 UFS Street Fighter playmats
UFS have list
Lizard man ****
Mitsurugi ******
Sophitia ****
Seigfried ****
Kilik ****
Seong mina ***
Raphael ****
Talim ****
Zasamel ****
Setsuka ****
Yuri *
Terry ***
Soiree *
Jivatma *
Mignon *
Hanzo ***
Maxima *
Leona **
Alba ***
Tira x2 rare
Tam Tam**
Bisumon **
Balrog ****
Vega ****
J Talbain ***
Zhao Daiyu *
Lu Chen*
Anakaris **
Huitzil **
Donovan ***
Bushamon ***
Jedah **
Dimitri ***
Victor ***
E Honda ****
Makoto *
Cammy ********
Rose ****
Hisen ko **
Morrigan ***
Felicia ****
Juni **
Juli **
Adon ****
Vega *****
Fei long ****
Charlie ****
Lien ***
Karin **
Lilith **
Cammy ****
Sean *
Dan **
Mai *******
Felica ***
Tira *****
Guy *
Zangief *****
Blanka *****
Yany **
Ryu *********
M Bison *****
Sasquatch **
Geki *
Sankuro **
Rock howard *
B. Janet **
Kula **
Ninon *
Yumeji ***
Nagase ***
Rera **
Karin *
Sakura ****
Mai *****
Iori ***
Kyoshiro **
Galford ***
Kyo ****
Yoshitoria ***
Hamohmaru ***
Ken *******
Akuma ******
Sagat ****
Anakaris * x2
Hutzil *
M Bison ****
Jedah *
Arthur *
Rolento *
Rikuo **
Dhalsim ****
Hisien Ko *
Rera *
Gen * x2
Pyron x4 *
Donovan * x5
Riku* x2
J talbain *
Bishamon *
Victor * x4
Dimitri * x3
Sasquatch *x2
Guile *****x4
Gill ** x3
Lord Raptor * x3
Dhalsm ***** x3
Alex *
Gen **
Morrigan *
Felica *
Q BEE *x4
Cammy ***** x4
Chun Li ******* x4
BB Hood
Lith ***
Chun Li ********
Rose ***
Universal fighter
Dhalsim ***
Maxi *
Dan *
J talban **
Demuth *
Jubei *
Sogetsu *
Greed *
Billy *
Ukyo ***
Xangawa ***
Matt Kohls
Cassandra *****
Seong Mina **
Ivy ****
Ivy *****
Mina *
Nick the saint
Yoshitoria **
Fei long ***
Zangief *
Luise x2 **
Mai ***
Nightmare Geese *x2
Astroath ****
Voldo ****
Voldo *****
Garia *
Seth *
Jubei **
K’ **
Billy **
Tam Tam*
Promo mai
Promo iori
Sankuro *
Cervantez ******
Nightmare Geese **
Haohamaru **
Lizardman *
Kyo **
Promo amy
Promo kyo
Red cody
Akuma battle pack both versions x3
Ryu battle pack both versions x3
Sagat rare
Universal fighter
Vega Ultra rare
Hanzo ultra rare
Xiaanghua ultra rare
Setsuka rare
Haohmaru promo
Hanzo ultra rare x2
Mitsurugi promo
Akuma promo x3
Abyss promo x2
Cammy promo
Talim rare
Charolate promo
Talim rare
Abyss rare x3
Adon promo
Miser x6
Maxi rare
Guile rare x3
Terry starter x2
Maxi ultra rare x2
Zangieff rare x4
Gabe the boy wonder
Sakura rare x2
Nightmare rare
Rose rare
Talm rare
Athena promo x3
Rose ultra rare x2
Xianghua rare x3
Xianghua ultra rare
R mika rare x3
Ivy promo x3
Yun seong ultra rare x2
Yun seong promo
Yun seong rare x2
Kilik ultra rare x 5
Dudley rare x2
Ukyo promo x2
Vega promo
Chun li rare x2
Adon ultra rare x2
Rock ultra rare
Charlie rare x2
Lizard man promo
Fei long rare
Seikfred starter x 2
Ibuki rare x2
Alba rare x2
Charolate rare
Voldo promo
Rare sakura
Promo galford
T hawk ultra rare x2
Nicholas the saint
Dee jay ultra rare
Cody rare x3
Cody ultra rare
Ken rare x2
Dee jay rare
Cassandra rare x3
Barlog rare
Cervantez ultra rare x2
Nightmare rare x2
Yoshitora promo
Akuma rare
Necro promo
Taki ultra rare
Nightmare ultra rare x2
Maxi promo
Dee jay promo
Chun lee ultra rare
Taki rare
Talim ultra rare
Rose rare x 4
Sophia starter x2
Blanka rare
Cassandra ultra rare
Mitsurugi 2 dot
Mitsurugi x3 5 dot , 1 dot
Leona promo x2
Dudley promo
E Honda ultra rare
Cammy ultra rare
yoshimitsu rare
cammy rare x3
taki rare x2
Necro promo
Leona promo
Amy x3
Akuma ultra rare
Nightmare starter promo
Dee jay ultra rare
Astroath starter
Galford rare
Tycho evil genius x2
Ryu promo
Sophia battle pack
Ubki promo
Gaira ultra rare
Staff cards :
George Hancock
Assets of power
Seal of completeness x7
Seal of deprivation x7
Seal of Malice x6
Seal of cessation x3
Seal of Beldum x6
Seal of structure x6
Seal of Dousing x3
Seal of virtue x6
Seal of Essance x6
Seal of Allivium x6
Seal of Incadesence x6
Seal of the wind x6
Foundations of Power
Ideas of the wind
A New Beginning
Contemplation of existence
Compassionate heroism
Tsurani keri float a brick
Blazing soul Battery x4
Sickle of sin x3
Mirror fan strikes x3
Diving wind kick throw
Strangulation blade x4
Cuttless europea x3
Broken promise
Vermillon moon x3
Summer gale x2
Wind storm
Yuris super upper
Special misson swing tomahawk x3
Hallowed swing of the heavenly conqueror x4
Doble mittwoch x4
True strike dash x2
Dynamic drop x2
Mezentius style bomb
gates of hell
death puppet
dropping embrace
Swallow slam x4
Mega spike
Great Gerdenhiem
Unholy terror
Junis spirial arrow
Snipping arrow
Cammys flying frankin Steiner
Jaguar thousand
Power bomb
Scourge of zeus
Kazumi Suzaku
Canyon creation
Ryu’s shoyorken extra
Hyper bomb
Freezing execution
Standing round house
Orbital Blaze
Shyoru cannon
Midnight pleasure x2
Scarlet terror
Slipping arrow
Makotos finisher
Oni muso
Soul spiral
Cammys flying frankinsienter
Change immortal x2
Circuit scrapper x4
Demon cradle
Shining blade
Widow Maker foil x2
Ultimate undead
Neo deadly rave x3
Sommmersault skull driver x4
Akumas hadoken x3
Tiger wave x3
Ryus shin shoryuken x3
Amazon river run
Senkyutai x4
Screw pile driver x2
Psycho break smasher x3
Mujin kyaku
Wicked chew x3
Nagases unrelenting fire x3
Ice coffin
Drifting moon
Requiem for moth
Imeru shikite
Jackknife kick x2
Crazy ivan
125 rapdids of rage
okaimi ni noru
dans dragon punch
punishment mode type energy vacuum
reverse flayer
Kama harari keri
Sakuras shoryuken
Beast hurricane x2
Death blossom
Burning knuckle
Spinning bird kick extra x4
My tanegeshima
Seraphic wing x4
Spin drive smash x4
Yoga legend
ES super whirlwind kick
+B x2
Cammys roundhouse
Sea Rage
Rolling Bucklet x4
Cheer and Fire
Mina frankinstiener x4
Bird of prey x4
Shadow Banishment
Phenoix dance
Glass Slippers
Super deadly ninja beesx2
Flash Chop x2
Life sucker
Harmonic Wing x2
Final Atomic Buster x2
Sumo head but
Devil reverse
Ryu shoroken extra x4
Somersault kick
Dread carnival
Jaguar assault x3
Super soul catch
Power dunk foil
Rera Kishima Tek
Wicked Chew
Majin Kyaku
Spinning back knuckle
Hell flash
Cross fire barrage
Mighty whirlwind
Deadly rave
Final Destruction
Criminal uppercut
Ohicho throw x2
Final atomic buster
Demented moon x4
Bo rushx3 foil
Double mega strike heads
Cused Marked
Insanity trap
Killer x
Hades cannon
Heaven lift
Nagase spiral crimson star load
Mighty whirlwind
Requiem for a moth
Shreking lighting shockwave
Deadly rave
Foil hiza gari
Blazing cadenza x4
Calamity symphony x2
Shattering force
Enllis punishment x3
Maelstrom divide promo x4
Blade nail promo x4
Reverse spiral x4
Posidean crest x5
Sweeping slash x2
Tiger uppercut x2
Flying cicada dance x4
Blood scroll x3
Spinning cross slash x2
Heavens guardian
Asylum dance x3
Buster wolf x2
Knee bazooka
Guardians judgement x4
Bo smack down
Jodan Sokuto Geri x3
Soul catch x5
Kens tatsumaki x2
Hiza geri
Assault type b al taruf
Shard attack x4
Mind blast x3
Aura soul spark x5
Eye of the tiger
Earth divide x2
Spiral dominance x6
Big punch x5
Lunatic sin x2
Executioners curse x2
Steel dragon x2
acrobatic kick x3
Dragon destroyer x3
Run through 3
Double reaver x3
Soul slide x5
Ryus hadoken x2
Canary waltz c minor
Mark of the dragon x3
Super punch x3
Sonic blitz x2
Hyakuretsu Kyaku x4
Double german suplex x 2
Jaguar tooth
Shadow cannon x2
Parabolic spia
Kens shoryuken x2
Hyper fist x4
Sweeping slash
Raida x5
Charlies sonic boom x4
Bad spray x3
Dragon wheel
Seal of the fire dragon
Fighters fury x4
Circle breaker faint divide
Heavy body press
Drill head thrust x3
Star fall eve x2
Tiger shot x5
Shout x3
Stalker drop
Mega soul spark
Soul reflect
Crosss fire barrage
Vertical rolling attack
Charlies summersault shell
Heavenly prayer x2
Posidean tide rush x3
Seraphium hammer x6
Thrust throw x4
Rising knee
Dudleys low fierce punch
Head press summersault skull smasher x3
Stone wall thrust
Blind dive
Wind fall x2
White hole vortex x4
Kens haddoken x5
Elelyu kimme risse x2
Heavy shadow x4
Upper arch x2
Crystal rose x4
Overhand claw x2
Crazy buffalo x3
Sonic break
Yoga flame
Chun li’s forward kick
High kick
Soul reflect x3
Super soul catch x5
Spinning cross slash
Mega soul spark x2
Super kick x4
Feral shield rush x4
Arms length x3
No I in team x3
Lever bar x3
Flurry of thrusts x2
Mark of the wolf x3
Tae Kwon Do strike x3
Punish the weak x3
Military discipline
Self dangerous program
Reckless and impulsive
Shadow strike x2
God hand x2
Special ops x2
Turnabout x2
Happy holidays
Final confrontation x4
Preventing the curse
Yoga adapt
About face
Dans taunt
Death cross dancing x2
Challenge the master
Kens training
Resoulution through force x2
Genocide x3
Igyo Tenshin nogyu jitsu
Caught up in the moment
Fists of rage
Back slash
Rush down
The price of foolishness
Light as a feather
Psycho rolling
Preventing absorption
Cripping strike
Death cross dancing
Blinding speed
Taking them down a level
Taking in students
Treasure hunt
Unterior motives
Through the defenses
Instinctual rivalry
Control the flow
Irresistable force
Nagase’s blog foil x4
Dense mass
Reoulution through force
Perfect form
Jumping In x4
Areial Assault
Brilliant Escape x3
Here Comes a new challenger x3
Lead a simple life x2
Final performance
Setting explosives
Look into dreams
Amazing acrobatics x3
Please help me x4
Dark heart x4
Deadly swarm
Start over
Power up
Temporal assension
Power of the edge
Matter of life and death
Reversal x4
All or Nothing x4
Only the strong survive x2
Penatrating Lunge x7
You must defeat Sheng long
Kazumi Gaki x4
A perfect cut
Nagaseas blog foil
Critical timing x4
Size matters x4
Side step
Growing up in the gehto
Replienishment x5
Photographic memory
Angel step x4
Man on a mission x2
The fight is never over x3
Spin around x2
Methodical fighter x2
Sonic perception x7
Angel step x2
Reclaim the land x4
Soul harvest
Punishing defense
Evasion technique 5
Revenge x3
Diminishing returns x7
Hop foil x2
Soul wave x3
Back flip
yoga teleport x2
quest to defeat riffe
smack talk x3
Family Hierloom
Addes Syndicatex5
Cats reflexes x2
Jingu Staff x2
Ankou x2
Side Harpe x2
Foil primitive insticts x3
Kagekiri x2
The stars aligned
Family tradition x2
The maxima reactor
Such a popular person
Explosive earrings
Treasured gift x2
Jingu Staff
Looks that kill
Side Harpe
Cage Arena x3
Inner circle
combat programming
Preparedness x4
Queens guard
Laynetttes shop x4
hidden beastly powers
US Airbase x2
Cathedral overlook
Valerias shop x2
Olcadans mentorx4
Hulians shop
Broken leg x2
White Gi x2
Zaltrich Castle
Romanian valley
Secret project x4
Bleeding internally
Kyoshirios Naginata
Scared temple
Field of storms
Yuns cap
Orange Gi
Yellow Gi x2
Ibukis kunai
Olcadons mentor x5
Lanetes shop x2
Yoshitorias girlfriends
Hualins shop x5
Combat programming x2
Supernatural suffering x2
Bath house
Me lins ward
Looks that kill
Vampiric aura
Accursed power
Field of storms x4
Sacred temple x3
Magic shop x4
Ancient battle ground x3
Ancient training ground
The nine commandments
Yumejis sword of no name
Dark chichiushi
Kyoshiros Naginata
Ibukis kunai
Ring of flame
School uniform x5
Delta red in signia
Yangs sneakers
Superhuman strength
Government sponsorship
Queen of victory
Good looks
Yasakani no magaatama
Lollipop x2
Psycho drive
Sparring gloves
Doll from grandma
Kings Games
Phases of the moon
Hannya and kien
Soul hive x4
The unbeatable
Ball of yarn
Selective beauty x4
Eggs clutch x4
Army of huitzil x4
Scarlet thunder
Romanian valley
Battle scared chest
Fatigues x4
Terror moon
Safu x3
Combat boots x3
Light footed stance x3
Power stabilization glove
Dog tags
White storm
Steel tiger and sukehiro
Combat fan
The Adrian
Viper edge
Antique music box
Over whelming strength
Talisman of elements x4
Combat gauntlets
Close to the edge x2
Soul caliber x4
La rouche x2
Eye patch x6
Squared circle
Claymore x2
Unnamed ninja sword
Temperance x3
Legendary blade x3
Syi salika and loka luha
City square x3
Gokens beads
Symbol of authority
Enlightenment x3
Crystal ball x3
Egnatic maneuvers x9
Grudge ax & ayra shield
Soul arena x2
Guardced stance x5
Manas and ayas
Rekki maru and mekki maru
Digamma sword and nemea shield
Inhuman fortatute x2
Maximum wear
Soul edge
Red lotus foil x2
Aurellias companionship x5
Flash of blades x3
Lunas encouragement x2
Higher caliber x4
Hawangs protection x5
Reverants calling x4
Amy’s assistance
greeds influence
Chesters backing x5
Soul power
Prankster x2
Skilled ninja x3
Fortune teller x2
Nine lives foil x2
tennage champion foil x2
US intellegence training foil x2
Vanity foil
Nefarious plans
Realm of midnight
Lord of the makai
Leverage foil
Traditional style foil
A years difference x5
Domination x2
World champion
Searching for a real challenge
Art of self defense foil
Way of the mightest foil
Buddist devotion foil
Challenged foil
Nice guys finish last foil
Practice makes perfect foil
Undercover foil
Bushinyuirio ninpo foil
Headstrong foil
Impressive physique foil
Light on ones feet foil
New information x4
Challenges only x4
Soul of Ivy foil x4
Rat chaser foil
Cutting edge
Intuition foil
God of metal x2 foil
Bunches of bananas x2 foil
Maki Realm x2
Roam the world foil x4
Schmitterling foil x4
Battle disc system foil
Shinobi tradition foil
Vast resources foil
Ibis minuet foil
Japans best foil
Driven to madness foil
Foil armored defense x6
Dark Stalkers
Foil short fuse
World of shadows
The next level
Lost memories foil x2
Friends and rivals foil
Control the present
Ring veteran foil
Star of the ring foil
Silent step x4
Defender of the empire foil
Familiar moves foil
Rough and touble foil
Ancient arts of combat foil
Blades of fury
Circuitous prancing foil
The best defense
Mission of peace foil
Envy foil x4
Material advantage foil x4
Grief Foil x4
Signature style x2
No ones ever going to keep you down x2
Fortune and Glory
Disciple of war x2
World warriors x2
You the best around signed by george
Amesia foil
Pirate from ryuyu foil
Shandoolo dolls x3
Fighting frenzy foil x9
Skilled ninja
Terrible discovery x2
Chancery foil
Warriors heart foil
Glimpse of fate foil x4
Lover foil
Elementalist foil x2
The purifying flame foil
Megalomania foil x3
Made not born promo foil x2
Veteran of 1,000 battles x3
Angel twirl x3
Blades of fury x4
Well traveled x2
The dark path x2
Extreme rivals x2
Original style x8 promo
Barbaric x4 foil
The devil day break foil x5
Cold blooded demnor x 3 foil
Natures defender x10 foil
Constant motion x4
Underhanded x4
Tale of swords and soul x2
The legend will never die x4 foil
Pit fighter x4 foil
Ground fighter foil
Street fighter x6
Begginers luck x2 foil
Shadow art
Feels no pain x4
Impetious x2 foil
Unbrideled rage foil
Unparalleled skill x5 foil
Iga master x4 foil
Cold blooded demenor
Aerial combatant x5 foil
Street brawling x4 foil
Angel twirl x6 foil
Masterful duelist x 4 foil
Controlled rage x3 foil
Worlds greatest x2 foil
Interpool training x2 foil
Scrapper x2 foil
Samarai showdown x3
Unorthadox fighting style x4 foil
Scubas and Viks list still got foil red lotus from SAS
bump this thread .....
Why isn't this on the front page?