While playing a solo game I I drew a event card which told me to spawn 2 major on yellow(2 lines) and then a minor spawn on red(1 line). As soon as I spawned my yellow major spawn I ran out of the gene guys. I went to my travel action and wondered first do I place the second major spawn card on the new location as the yellow Terrian card moved(because of the travel action), and then I discovered that there were 2 red Terrian locations and thought do I put 1 card on each since the event card said 1 enemy for red Terrian card. Need help with the answer on this.
Spawning Enemy's.
While playing a solo game I I drew a event card which told me to spawn 2 major on yellow(2 lines) and then a minor spawn on red(1 line). As soon as I spawned my yellow major spawn I ran out of the gene guys. I went to my travel action and wondered first do I place the second major spawn card on the new location as the yellow Terrian card moved(because of the travel action), and then I discovered that there were 2 red Terrian locations and thought do I put 1 card on each since the event card said 1 enemy for red Terrian card. Need help with the answer on this.
First off, the number of lines has no bearing on minor/major spawn. Also, all the red boxes have 4 lines in them, orange has 3, yellow 2 and green 1. But what you're looking for is the color of the triangle, yellow for major, white for minor spawn. Additionally, you don't stop spawning if a blip pile runs out, Travel only takes place at the END of a phase, so if the red terrain was on the opposite side of the formation to the yellow and still had cards in its blip pile, you'd spawn on the red terrain too before doing travel for emptying out the blip pile on the yellow side.
Number of GS you spawn depends on whether the spawn is minor or major. In a solo game, spawn sizes are 2 for major spawn, 1 for minor spawn (shown on the Void Lock card). So if you have 2 Red terrain out and are told to do a major (yellow triangle) spawn on red, both locations would get 2GS.