i have been proxying jafar jenie in my deck to see how it plays out and it is almost impossible to get the combo off. i find myself playing jafar then hoping i draw the enie next turn but dont or that i end up just placing jafar genie on the world to stop them. i porxied in the king and DD and it makes it run much smoother but i probably wont get the king till after highlander and DD is a card i might be able to borrow from my friend. the question is should i run the jafar-jafar genie combo in highlander. past that what about even in my deck deck. any suggestion would be greatly appreciated
my deck and jafar jenie
Definitely. Even if the combo isnt pulled off, they have a decent chunk of POW and are immune to pan, herc, and beast. Villians are a great help in stalling out WR decks.
Personally, I don't find Genie Jaffar all that helpful. True, he's a high leveled Dark/Villian, but there are other cards with better effects. He's the same level as Jaffar (so why not play both of them on his world?) and his effect only applies when Jaffar is destroyed... and that's it. You're talking about proxys, so I'll assume you don't have M. Dragon, but the other Villians are way useful too. I think that Boogie is going to see a lot of play time in Highlander, and so you might want to run him, plus I like Hades and Maleficent in my Aggro decks, but that will deffinately hurt you if you intend to go WR (which I think everyone does). Now that I've gone WAY off topic, I'll say again that there are better cards than G. Jaffar, so run them instead.
Thirroxin said:
Definitely. Even if the combo isnt pulled off, they have a decent chunk of POW and are immune to pan, herc, and beast. Villians are a great help in stalling out WR decks.
I think Thirroxin and I need to have a fight...
LOL, maybe we do, haha.
When they kill Jafar, the effect of genie jafar hits at the end of the battle phase, meaning after they battled, the jafar genie drops, stalling their movement that turn. A guaranteed stall. Sounds good to me anyways, works very well at the tourneys i go to. I still recommend.
So Broadway_Punk, school parking lot tomorow at 5PM?
oh i know that his effect goes and he stalls but in the highlander tourny wen its a 1-1 combo i find it hard to get those two in my hand and able to play one of them. i think i need to get bette cards becuz its alot easier with the DD king combo but i dont have those so im thinking i should swith to oogie and hades??? becasue if you lose jacks and herc then all they can touch are lvl 4 heartless right. i dont run jack becasue i hate dropping like a traverse town 3 and then getting parasite caged on like t1 i feel so pathetic. so oogie is going in i think and then they cnat bounce the parasite cage and palce it again with herc so. keep Jafar -Gjafar fif i can get King and DD if not sswitch to those???? and btw is it a bad idea to run an aggro deck becasue i gots a soul eater and was thinking hey hey y not could be fun but if im total idiot then w/e ill stick with my WR deck
Thirroxin said:
LOL, maybe we do, haha.
When they kill Jafar, the effect of genie jafar hits at the end of the battle phase, meaning after they battled, the jafar genie drops, stalling their movement that turn. A guaranteed stall. Sounds good to me anyways, works very well at the tourneys i go to. I still recommend.
So Broadway_Punk, school parking lot tomorow at 5PM?
Sorry I missed the fight... I was *cough* busy... punching kittens (yeah, that's the ticket).
Anyway, I don't run into a lot of Aladdin players anymore, so Jaffar doesn't do much in my area's format; also, I only have the one Genie Jaffar, so the "too few to be worth it" problem is one I'm familiar with. While I didn't quite think of Genie Jaffar's effect in quite that manner (I'm very Aggro minded), but I stand by what I said. If you don't play him, he takes up a card space in your hand (assuming your opponent doesn't try to play a world, which is what I'm used to). In all fairness, though, I'm going to try him in another deck and get back to you again.
I'm pretty sure I'm right, though. XP
yea he is useless against aggro but as are most hearltess so thats why i would drop em as soon as i get him facing aggro-
but with jenie jafar if you use king and DI its alot easier to pull off and it really does help against WR so its a coin flip right now not sure if im gonna use it. guess youll have to wait and see Broadway me and you this friday for the most epic-ity epic game evers.... then i guess we could fight in the parking lot depending on if i lose i mean depending on how were feeling.
First, let me say that I stand by what I said about the problems with Jafar-Genie. However, during the Highlander tourney I managed to pull the cards I needed and was able to beat the person who eventually took first (I had to leave the tournement early, and was removed from the competition). I think there must be a way to make him work in the real format, so long as I can make the bonus outweigh the problems. I may start including him in my Aggro deck, which was losing to WR/HP Boost decks, but only if I can make him work. My regular deck is going to go through some major experimentation.
genie- jafar is a great card in general, whom ever says its a useless card has never played with it or played against it.
wishmaster said:
genie- jafar is a great card in general, whom ever says its a useless card has never played with it or played against it.
i agree with u i was playing with my wife and see was about to win but i pulled off the genie and won next turn its agreat card and even if you dont pull off the combo you can still play him so what makes it a bad card i dont know
I play aggro, and I think the Jafarr-Genie, Jafarr combo is really good, but you need search ghost, i play 3 of each Jafarr and 2 search ghost. it usually works with me, now i play stopras but i havent gotten to play against WR in a since i added the stopras and cid. Normally they work for almost a whole deck cycle ( - 1 or 2 turns) but i get if you are playing WR you can outrun easily with them, my aggro does unless they play 3 or more tinks and cure cards.
i have 2 genie jafars and am going to proxy in a third and i have also not faced a WR-or anyone- since i decided to run them but just drawing cards from my deck and fake playing it seems pretty solid. the only problem is it has no effect on aggro. heartless generally dont but with jacks out it can usually be pretty easy to cage somethign or put a behemoth up and stall thier world life gain but thats why jafar genie could be good agaisnt aggro. if by some miracle you can get a jafar up then im sure that could devestate thier life gain from worlds.