Question is this.
at the Crown of command a and i (Priest) attacked the Warrior (lets assume our Str Value is 0)
my die roll was 4 and he rolled two dice as the warrior battle abiility states, and recived a 4 and a 1.
what i claim is this:
the attack ended and the value he defended agaist me was 4. at that point he chose to use FATE and rerolled, and the die dropped on 3.
I claim that since the Warrior ability was to CHOOSE 1 DIE to attack me with, the use of FATE means he HAS to take what the fate-roll states.
What he claims is that as a warrior he has a backup, in this instance meaning that the 4 he rolled stayed on the board (As insurence) and if he rolled lower or equal, nothing would happen to him because he always has the 4, or higher i would take dmg.
which one is true?