First, thanks for coming to read my post. I am new to the game and on a budget because I also play the Star Wars LCG and others. I want to focus on just playing Baratheon, and I hear Baratheon Rush is their strongest deck. I already paid some extra cash and got the wood Baratheon promo tokens and leather deck box (gotta play with style!). I also purchased 1x Core Set and the Kings of the Storm Box set. Soooooooooo…
1. What other purchases do I need to make in order to field a solid Baratheon rush deck? If it a must have I would like to know so I can get it asap.
2. Is there some example lists of Baratheon rush decks that have done well recently? I like to build my own, but having a starter one to field while I take my tournament lumps will help get me playing sooner.
Thanks for your time and advice,