Hi, I've been reading these forums for quite some time now but I rarely post. Recently, however, my group has thrown me for quite the loop (I'm the storyteller.) My players have all been avid 40k players for years but mostly non-imperial armies. When the time came for them to make characters they were rather at a loss for homeworlds to choose from so they chose the easy road and chose worlds from either the Imperial Guard Codex (Valhalla and Praetoria specifically) or novels they'd read (specifically Glavia from the Eisenhorn novels.) Can characters from that distance in the universe actually end up any where near eachother in the span of a human life time in the 40k universe? Also, for curiosity's sake how long would it take a navigator to cross from one end of the universe to the other assuming he were immortal?
I'm just curious since they're having fun and have developed very interesting backstories each I plan to let them run with them because in the grand scheme it doesn't really matter. The rogue trader is a Praetorian noble who's father 'exhiled' him by granting him a warrant of trade. In a hate filled moment he signed it over on the condition that he goes…and pointed on a map of the galaxy to, you guessed it, the Koronus expanse. The valhallan was picked up alongthe way since she is a former Valhallan Ice Warrior and the Glavian kinda just 'came with the ship.'
Is that fluff reasonable? Thanks in advance for any input you guys have on the subject