The 800 lb. Bantha in the room

By Diggles, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Fantasy Flight, please UPGRADE/UPDATE your forums. They are the slowest forums I have ever been to (and I've been using forums online since the mid 90's). Often times they dont respond or load pages at all. Ocassionally half a page gets loaded. It takes far to long to do anything on your forums.

I am blown away at the attention to detail, the great art style and just extra effort you are putting into making a great product for the game/books. However the forums do not currently represent your company positively.

-EoE Player, Part-time GM

I'm sorry to say that I concur. :(

Oh please do ! It's so slow and sometimes it fails completely to load pages.

Love the company, hate the forum engine.

I'd take the time to browse the other forums for threads on this subject but… you know… slowy-slow-slow.

I agree. I came here for X-Wing, EotE, and the SW:LCG. It seems to have gotten worse over time as the games came out. Does anyone else remember if it was like this before (I believe demand has been more than expected for the games, and I'm curious if it has made things worse on the forums, too).

Diggles said:

Fantasy Flight, please UPGRADE/UPDATE your forums. They are the slowest forums I have ever been to (and I've been using forums online since the mid 90's). Often times they dont respond or load pages at all. Ocassionally half a page gets loaded. It takes far to long to do anything on your forums.

I am blown away at the attention to detail, the great art style and just extra effort you are putting into making a great product for the game/books. However the forums do not currently represent your company positively.

-EoE Player, Part-time GM


The forum software is abysmal.


I must concur, the forum mechanics are terrible. I usually have another window open so I can browse or work on something else while I wait for the page to load, or my comment to save.

El_Tonio said:

Does anyone else remember if it was like this before (I believe demand has been more than expected for the games, and I'm curious if it has made things worse on the forums, too).

It was a bit shoddy before the SW announcement, but no where near as bad as now.

Split Light said:

I must concur, the forum mechanics are terrible. I usually have another window open so I can browse or work on something else while I wait for the page to load, or my comment to save.

Me too. It's like a joke to me now: "Oh, I'm loading a page on the FFG forums; guess I'll go and make lunch while I wait…" :D

It has definitely gotten worse with time, but for some reason it also depends on the time of the day. At night in europe I hardly have a problem.

Please, guys (those from FFG I mean) take care of your services, in this case the forums.


I would say that FFG's whole site has some serious performance issues. Though it was not this bad a few months ago.