Azathoth + neutral ground

By Rithe, in CoC Rules Discussion

ok so yesterday me and a friend were haveing a playtest with a new deck he had made mainly focused on OOTST (order of the silver twilight) and im playing coc + hust with a few netural cards for a bit of utility

we both had 2 stories each and the game was coming to an end.

so, his start of turn, draws his 2 and chuckels wickedly and grins giving away that he just found what he had been fishing for the past 3 turns. attaches a resorce to domain and is now sitting on 3,4,6 for domains, drains his 6 and out of no where azathoth (F???) shows up…

i say good buy to my huster (F81), ravager from the deep (F46), 2 sweet old lady (F11) one with a sword of y'ha-tallo and a guardian shoggoth (F44)

this makes me a very sad panda

He says good buy to nothing special other then a few fed silver twilight collectors (F33) and a lord jeffrey farrington (f18)

he could not have cared less

so i get wrathed away and lo he turns around and plays a neutral ground (F15) and now azathoth(F???) is blank. not that it mattered, he attaced to a card and i responed very carmly with draining my 6 and blowing his azathoth(F???) off the table with a deep one assult(F56). he gave up and said doesnt matter even if you do place units down I lose at eot. and the the question arrose.

If azathoth(F???) has blank text, should you lose at end of your turn, i think not, as the text that states "at the end of your turn, you are eliminated from the game" it is not attaced to "when azathoth enters play, each player must sacrifice all characters not tamed azathoth and all support cards they control"

so he has 2 effects 1 being wrath and the other being lose at eot. surly if his text becomes blank, you dont lose at eot untill someone can remove the neutral ground(F15), and insted you have a neutral 6 cost, 6 skill with no icons or effects.

or am I wrong here???

You are exactly right. If the textbox (which includes the passive that hasn't met it's condition yet) is blanked, he wouldn't lose. If Neutral Ground is destroyed, he would lose at the end of that turn it was destroyed (barring no other changes like Azathoth leaving play). I've heard of players trying to use him with Aziz Chatulaka since he returns him to the top of the deck at the end of the phase; another way to use him is with Path of Blood to return a neutral character to owner's hand.

Here's another thread that discusses him:

i must admit i like the thought of path of blood, letting them know that you have a wrath in your hand might be usefull for the mind game