Paint scheme for repeats of same squads-same pattern or differentiate?

By TallDwarf, in Dust Tactics

I have repeats of some squads: 2 Sturmpionere's, 2 Death Dealers, 2 Battle Grenediers, 2 Laser Grenediers, 4 Allied Snipers/Spotters and I would like some advice on how to paint them: same pattern or differentiate.

I have been inspired by Loophole Master's very recognizable units and have been doing the same: either modifying his paint schemes or coming up with my own. I plan to buy every unit in the game and where I can get deals or because I really want more than 1 particular unit I will get repeats. I have thematic items I want to keep: lasers have florenscent green where appropriate on weapons/tubing, phasers will have florenscent blue, etc.

Question for advice: Since I will be getting so many units, is it "better" for my sanity, of keeping track of units during play and in boxes, to have repeated squads being the same/similar (perhaps different helmut colour or some other highlight) or feel free to paint each squad completely differently?

ie. I have one Sturmpionere in a nice dark blue and was planning on doing a different one in more of a tan or a grey.

Take care and have a great day.

I like to keep every squad different at least to a small degree. also for my snipers I did mostly the same colors for each but I did a deferent camo pattern for each one.

I have the same sickness - for me word "Tactics" in the name of the game requires at least two unts of the same type. I decided to paint these pairs in two schemes, according to themes of the board tiles - winter and non-winter. It looks like that:


I paint all the same squads the same and just diffrientiate by painting small numbers on the back of the base. I paint each different squad differently so its easier to spot the difference between to similar squads, for example:

Recon Grenadiers -all white

Battle Grenadiers - white uniform - grey armour

Tank Hunters - as above but green jacket

laser Grenadiers - all dark grey

etc etc. easy to spot at a glance.

I paint mine the same so i can cheat !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding.

Thanks to all for the feedback. I was going to differentiate but as more and more units come out I don't want to "use up" all the different "cool" color combinations. I have the repeated squads the same and do something slight to tell them apart, number on the bottom of the base or something else: maybe a marking on their shoulder pads? That could be cool: blue squad, red squad?

If anyone else has any ideas please share.

Thank you.

Take care and have a great day.

I painted my units with a common scheme, both because I'm lazy… ehrm, to keep things simple, and to give the army a common theme of sorts, pretty much as MM did.

Squads however, are easily singled out thanks to a few individual elements, such as the color given to the armor elements, and the decals placed on the shoulder pads. Sometimes a whole new scheme is appropriate (for snipers/spotters units or command squads), sometimes just a single piece of dressing (pants or jackets) works well enough to prevent repetition.

I went for the "less is more" approach, and it works well on the table.

My Axis all have roughly the same paint scheme. I use the shoulder pads to seperate each unit. Solid blue, blue/red, red/blue, blue w/ red stripe down the middle, two red stripes, top blue/bottom red, etc…

If you look at WWII unit markings, especially aircraft tail markings, this was a commonly used method.