Fierce Loyalty question…

By torque42, in Only War

Hey all, first post.

New to the game, loving it so far :-) Can't seem to find an answer to this, not sure if there is one yet.

My question is on Ogryn's fierce loyalty talent.

1) Ogryn’s Comrade is not in Cohesion with the Ogryn,


2) is within 10 metres of another Player Character


3) engaged in melee with an enemy

Does this mean… The comrade must be engaged in melee in all cases? Or does it not apply to the first clause?

I think it would only apply to the second clause in normal usage, but I don't think this was intended.

I think the intension for the rule to apply is that the comrade is engade in melee and not in cohesion with the ogryn AND is NOT within 10 metres of another player.

There's specifically an OR conjunction in there, hence the emphasis.


Common english usage as written would be:

(X), OR (Y AND Z)

But we didn't end up thinking it was reasonable, went with assuming he was required to be in melee combat globally, and either pulled out of cohesion or close to allied players.

Oy. Yeah, i don't know if there's a way to know what was intended with this if the conjunctions in the sentence were wrong, it kinda doesn't make sense.

When would a comrade be solo, out of cohesion with his partner, and away from all other players? Unless you were deliberately sending him on suicide missions… Not a very loyal Ogryn, to do that to your buddy =)