The Hammer

By Lotus, in Dust Warfare

With the addition of this walker, I think I can play my scratch-built robot army on its own.

I make them rusty as hell because they're cheap and dirty, stay out in the rain and other elements indefinitely, and spend very little time and resources on self-maintainence.

Sweet looking bot force you got there

I love the look of this force. What list are you using to represent it?

Thanks, guys.

Eventually I'm going to make cards based on the weapon values of the standard cards from both US & Axis. I built the small bots so that there are MGs, rifles, a flamethrower, and bazookas/rocket launchers.

They will be 2/2 so w/ 15, I have 3 squads to go w/ 2 walkers. A decent, workable start.

Until I make the cards, I'll use standard cards as they areā€¦keeping it simple.