Who rolls the dice pool

By usgrandprix, in Game Mechanics

So after you build a pool, who rolls the dice?

If a player is shooting something does the player roll the whole pool, including the difficulty, challenge, and setback dice?

I always thought it was that way but my GM says the GM rolls the difficulty, challenge, and setback dice in secret becasue he doesn't want the player to know this info.

I think that's kind of harsh becasue I don't know how difficult something is and am not sure about spending destiny points, but he will always know for spending destiny points.

How do you guys play and is there any clear rule that says who rolls the dice in a pool? Thanks.

Your GM is wrong. Or, more correctly, your GM is not playing by the rules as written, which calls for the player to roll the whole pool for player actions.

Beta, page 39, includes the following: " After the dice pool has been created, t he player rolls all of the dice assembled."

The game really does away with the Adversary-GM. It's about narrative cooperation, not about you vs. them.

awayputurwpn said:

The game really does away with the Adversary-GM. It's about narrative cooperation, not about you vs. them.

+1 This.

A GM not willing to let the players roll the difficulty dice, is a fearful GM in need of complete control and micro-management of encounters. Not so much collaborative story-telling as controlling players and outcomes. At least in my opinion.

Whenever I've GMed, and also whenever I've played, all information (with some exceptions for plot and suspension reasons) is out in the open in order to utilize the success/failure, advantage/threat and triumph/despair system. That way, players can narrate their own successes and their opponents' threats, while the GM does the opposite (in addition to tallying total result and outcome). It has worked brilliantly so far.