New FAQ + tournament rules release

By HilariousPete, in CoC Rules Discussion

FAQ 3.0 is out! reir

The most important changes:

  • The Shub Necronomicon got its erratum so that the James Logan + Altar of the Blessed combo definitely isn't working anymore.
  • Glimpse of the Void is now banned. (Banning or restricting that card is a good thing IMO… a working Glimpse of the Void + recursion deck may completely ruin the game for a player, leaving him virtually no chance.)
  • For the Hastur prophecy, Hamu XX 15:14, it got clarified that this prophecy can not return itself, because of the timing structure.

Man, I sent the devs a list of typos, including all the misspelled "sorcerors" and "cthonians" and "descendents" and it didn't get errata'ed. Oh, well, maybe next time.

I'm a little surprised nothing happened to Nug (such as restriction), but I guess it's still a little premature and no one has thrown a fit since it hasn't seen tournament play yet. It will definitely be the season of Nug, though. reir

Oh, crap, Khopesh was also errata'ed! Now wounding the attached character is a cost, so if the wound is canceled it can't target a character to wound! That's big.

Probably they'll change the typos for the next reprint of the actual cards, but won't state them in the FAQ since they're usually obvious complice But it's good that you sent them to FFG.

I suppose that Nug and Feed Her Young will become restricted someday, for they are very powerful IMO. But like you said, FFG will probably wait for the next regionals/tournaments to see how big the impact of those cards actually is. If top places are populated by Shub + X each time, they'll do something…

This is a little sad. All the other LCGs' FAQs were released on the same day (the day before CoC's), and had news announcements. CoC was just thrown up on the support page. I really hope they don't drop this game from their OP lineup.

And FFG, for the love, please don't schedule CoC during AGoT for Nationals/Worlds competitions. As both of the longest running LCGs, I think you'll see most crossover happens between these two. New players coming in are sticking mostly to Netrunner or Star Wars.

Any thoughts on the change to Khopesh? I think it won't change much essentially, since most people thought that's how it worked (i.e. put it on a character with toughness and go to town). It's only in the last few months that I have seen questions about people thinking of trying to abuse cancelling the wound to the attached character. (Of course, there were probably people all along that remained silent and did this…)

Good faq. Good choice with Glimpse I think. Even if it isn't 'broken' now, it will be at some point as more cards are designed. They probably should not have reprinted that one. Kopesh wording change is fine, it's actually easier to understand and probably should have been written that way when it was initially printed.

I wish there was less overlap in tournaments also. But with many OP games, and little time - something has to give I think. I would play in CoC, AGOT, Netrunner, and Star Wars if time allowed. :D

Danigral said:

This is a little sad. All the other LCGs' FAQs were released on the same day (the day before CoC's), and had news announcements. CoC was just thrown up on the support page. I really hope they don't drop this game from their OP lineup.

Sorry, FFG. I jumped the gun a little bit on my criticism. News entry is up. :)

They mentioned that the FAQ is streamlined. I hadn't noticed a lot of differences, except for some definitions on Ready/Exhausted vs. Commited/Uncommitted I think(?) And I think they cleaned up the "Action, Disrupt, and Response Effect" section(?) I'll have to compare it to the old one at home.

HilariousPete said:

  • For the Hastur prophecy, Hamu XX 15:14, it got clarified that this prophecy can not return itself, because of the timing structure.

What exacty in the timing structure breaks this?

booored said:

HilariousPete said:

  • For the Hastur prophecy, Hamu XX 15:14, it got clarified that this prophecy can not return itself, because of the timing structure.

What exacty in the timing structure breaks this?

You must name the targets before you pay the cost, so Hamu is not in the discard pile to target with its own effect, nor can it name itself "preemptively".

Danigral said:

And FFG, for the love, please don't schedule CoC during AGoT for Nationals/Worlds competitions. As both of the longest running LCGs, I think you'll see most crossover happens between these two. New players coming in are sticking mostly to Netrunner or Star Wars.

Old players can pick up new games too. Personally I hope that Call of Cthulhu and Netrunner don't overlap.

Khopesh is a good change. Personally, I think Glimpse was only a problem if you could recur it, so I would have liked it to just be removed from game after playing or something but no big deal. Without recurring it there wasn't much attraction to playing it anyway.