Archived deck lists: My SAS decks

By theboogerman, in UFS Deck Building

For anyone interested here are the decks I ran at the SAS...

Singles :


4x kuzuryu reppa
4x genkotsu stamp
4x hidden base
3x neck choke

3x kung-fu training
3x broken leg
3x unorthodox training

3x white gi
3x Olcadan's mentoring

4x the ways of punishment
4x awakening
3x saikyo-ryu
3x mortal strike
3x the glare from the abyss
3x dark hado
3x psycho style
3x constant training
2x spiritual center
2x rat chaser

3x pull of the tides
3x martial arts champion
2x roam the world

Teams :


4x kuzuryu reppa
4x seichu nidan tsuki
4x fatal disruptor
3x slash elbow

3x broken leg
3x unorthodox style
3x kung-fu training

3x white gi
3x Addes syndicate
2x cathedral overlook

4x lord of the Makai
4x fight or flight
4x military rank
3x lesser of many evils
3x psycho style
3x Tira's contract
2x saikyo-ryu
2x bitter rivals
2x the curse broken
2x blood runs true

4x pure of heart
3x mortal strike
1x lesser of many evils

I ended up finishing 2-3 in singles and 5th in teams (go murder train). most of my losses in singles were literally one attack against any empty handed opponent away from a win but my control checks thought otherwise. oh well, I feel as if my play has improved from my last showing at the SCC even though my record was the same.

All in all I had a great time this weekend and look forward to the next event. it was fun playing with all the guys from Florida and South Carolina. peace.