1) Luminen capacitors: they let you charge things by making a toughness test, no where does it say you suffer fatigue if you fail said toughness test. Is that deliberate or is it an accidental omission? As it stands you can keep trying to charge things, until you pass the test with risk of fatigue.
2) Manipulator mechadendrite:
It gives you +20 to strength tests, so you could use it in a grapple, is it reasonable to say that if you initiate the grapple with the manipulator you don't get the -20 penalty for being unarmed and trying to grapple someone with a weapon (seeing as you grappling them with a big claw)? What about the unarmed damage in a grapple, could you use the 1d10+2 to represent trying to crush your opponent with the claw?
3) Interface Ports: "
The Guardsman now has a mechanical port implanted in his body, commonly in the rear of the neck, which can be connected to machines via a data cable. This allows the user faster and smoother access to the valuable information within and grants a +10 bonus to Common Lore, Inquiry, or Tech-Use Tests whilst connected to a relevant mechanism or data spool."
Say your techpriest is trying to build something with tech-use, he has a data slate with a bunch of releavent schematics on it. If he uses the interface port to connect to the slate to have "smoother faster access" to the schematics would he get a +10 to the tech-use test for whatever he is trying to build (as long as he has the needed information of the data slate)?