invivos :
Hi there,
I have finished my v1 of a DH servitor career path and servitor character sheet. You can download both pdf files here:
This career path was designed to allow players to create and maintain their own servitors e.g. gun servitors, medical, scribe, weapon servitors etc. and for GM to introduce their own NPC servitor characters for adventures
It works very simelar as normal character development, the main difference here is that money buys
the advances for a servitor (which the acolytes can install by themselves if they like to). Players have alot of options of customising their servitors e.g. installing pict recorders etc. for a unique servitor. Additional rules for combat damage, servitor weight, repairs are also all included in the file. Next I will create a simelar system for cherubims/servo skulls and cyber animals like cyber mastiffs stay tuned!
Some teaser pics:
Hope you like them!