Previously on Campaign 2:
If you want to read this session report in better formatting:
Overlord XP gain shown in [], Hero XP gain shown in ()
At the start of the session
Lord Hawthorne. Skills: Cleaving Equipment: Chain Mail, Bone Blade, Iron Shield, Ring of Quickness. Potions: Healing. Feats: 2. XP: 4
Ispher. Skills: Tiger Tattoo. Equipment: Ripper, Axe of Returning, Chain Mail. Potions: Healing, Vitality. Feats: 1. XP: 4
Mad Carthos. Skills: Spiritwalker. Equipment: Cloak of Deception, Bane. Potions: Healing, Vitality. Feats: 1. Wounds: 7 XP: 4
Runemaster Thorn. Skills: Blessing. Equipment: Leather Armour, Immolation. Potions: Healing. Feats: 1. XP: 4
Party Equipment: 100 coins
Overlord Avatar: The Demon Prince
Plot: Obsidian Shackles
Cities Razed: None. 3 Siege tokens on Nerekhall
Overlord Upgrades: Sir Alric Farrow, Focused, Lawlessness, XP: 4
WEEK 4 continued
The heroes were travelling south, risking a dangerous encounter trail. I choose to use my Big Trouble card and the end result was they encountered Martigan and his apprentices at a Stormy Stream. And it was an ambush!
The ambush thing was a bit odd when combined with the flavour text. Martigan arrives - there is an almighty explosion, so much so that the heroes are all stunned on their first turn. So how this works with being asleep I'm not relly sure.
I expected the heroes to try and flee and I was keen to try and get at least 1 kill, so I placed Martigan on the corner so that he could get to either of the exits.
On the first round, all heroes except Runemaster Thorn woke up and since we forgot to give them all stun tokens, they had a good first round, killing one of the sorcerers. Mad Carthos and Ispher moved towards the exit whilst Lord Hawthorne stayed on guard watching over the Runemaster.
Martigan moved into position and I used all my threat to have a big attack on the 2 heroes still in camp doing 7 damage to both of them.
On round 2 we agreed to place the stun tokens then, since we forgot in round 1. However, I allowed Runemaster Thorn not to be stunned, since it would have been removed last time even though he was asleep. The heroes decided to flee, using all of their fatigue (and a vitality potion) to move their movement to escape. They glug lots of healing potions afterwards to restore lost health.
They arrive at Blackwing Swamp (+1 XP) and enter the dungeon.
Dungeon Level 1: 33 - Mask of the Monster
I chose to start with a Master Troll and I put all the minions in the room with Vellefor.
On round 1, Ispher rushed into the first room, preventing me from spawining in there. The rest of the party advanced slowly up the corridor using guard orders. I spawned a skeleton patrol, simply to give them something else to think about and slow them down a turn. It did more than that - thanks to a missed attack, and another hero 'saving' his guard order for the master skeleton, a normal skeletons managed to score 6 damage on Runemaster Thorn (thanks to Vellefors Command 2) before running off behind a wall. The master skeleton decided not to show his face, thus wasting the heroes guard order (but denying me an attack).
Ispher then activated the glyph (+3 XP) but stayed near the doorway to prevent spawning whilst the others advanced to take out the skeleton and have a shot at the Troll who was waiting in the enterance to the main room. I managed to Dark Charm Mad Carthos, activating his Blasting rune and scored 7 damage on Lord Hawthorne and Carthos himself. The Troll then came out from the doorway and had an attack on Runemaster Thorn. I decided not to use the bash attack, since the mage was already wounded and I was getting +2 damage from Vellefor. The kill happened [+2 XP]
Later on, Vellefor himself came out and had a big attack on Lord Hawthorne, scoring 10 damage. However, since I'd agreed to use feat cards, the Lord exerted himself (we make feats cost 1 fatigue to use) to block the attack, which was successful. However, I did spawn 2 Dark Priests with the dungeon leader and one attack from them knocked Hawthorne down to 2 wounds.
The next round, Vellefor was killed thanks to the party having 2 magic characters (+2 XP) and they cleared the remaining monsters no problem. The chest had 150 coins, a potion and 2 treasures - Crystal Shield which went to Lord Hawthorne, and the Crystal of Tival, which also went to the fighter. Using the crystal and a healing potion got him out of the danger zone, back up to 11 wounds.
Just before the end of the level, I played 'Hordes of the Things'. Normally, this card is only useful for discarding for 5 threat but since I didnt have much else to do, I figured I would have 2 extra monsters on the next level. The heroes did the usual trick of moving into the portal and placing a rest order, meaning they start level 2 fully refreshed.
Dungeon Level 2: 43 - Cavern of the Wyrm
I spent quite a while deciding on my minions for this level and the setup. In the end, I chose to start with 2 Wendigos and a Master Deep Elf and I actually placed the monsters over the glyphs.
After looking at the stats for Blizzard, the heroes had decided they weren't going to complete this level and instead looked at getting as much as they could before fleeing. Ispher battled, but used all of his fatigue to move into position and fired the Ripper at one Wendigo, killing it. Then, spending a lot of fatigue and using his teleportation power, Runemaster Thorn teleported in, grabbed the coins, opened the chest - 300 coins, 2 potions (+1 XP), activated the glyph (+3 XP), and was ready to leave next turn. This put him in a dangerous position, but they were prepared to lose the character and it would have been worth it.
Lord Hawthorne tried something similar on the other side of the room, choosing the run action and spending all his fatigue to rush in and grab the coins and the chest - 350 coins and a potion (+1 XP). He couldnt activate the glyph as there was a monster still on it.
Then it was my turn. I spawned a couple of spooks and had a number of attacks, wounding Ispher but managing to swallow Lord Hawthorne. The two wizards fled back to town and Ispher ran back to the glyph, but I chased after him and managed to spawn some beastmen right near him which finished him off [+3 XP].
The following turn, the heroes decided to stay in town and not come back to try and rescue their swallowed fighter, so after a couple of turns of rolling, Lord Hawthorne was killed [+4 XP].
Back in Tamalir, the heroes visited the market finding the Gauntlets of Power which they bought and gave to mad Carthos, and the Magic Bow which they did not purchase. They also bought 2 potions, the Magic Boat and Lord Hawthorne went to the tavern; The rumour was 'The Fued' and they placed it at Shadow Peaks.
CONQUEST: Heroes: 15, Overlord: 13/13, Total: 28
[+1 XP] Total now 14. I decide not to spend any.
Sir Alric Farrow places a 4th siege token on Nerekhall.
The heroes move to Red Echo River. I consider what to do with the lawlessness card and decide to add an extra dice. However, no encounter happens and the group arrive at the dungeon.(+1 XP)
Dungeon Level 1: 2 - Alchemists Lab
I'm keen to play this level as it is one of the ones that I have changed from the original - swapping out Carolus the Sorcerer for Cambranax the Golem.
At the end of the session
Lord Hawthorne. Skills: Cleaving Equipment: Chain Mail, Bone Blade, Crystal Shield, Ring of Quickness. Potions: Healing, Vitality. Feats: 1. XP: 16
Ispher. Skills: Tiger Tattoo. Equipment: Ripper, Axe of Returning, Chain Mail, Iron Shield. Potions: Vitality. Feats: 1. XP: 16
Mad Carthos. Skills: Spiritwalker. Equipment: Gauntlets of Power, Cloak of Deception, Bane. Potions: Healing. Feats: 1. XP: 16
Runemaster Thorn. Skills: Blessing. Equipment: Leather Armour, Immolation. Potions: Healing, Vitality. Feats: 1. XP: 16
Party Equipment: Magic Boat, 1300 coins
Overlord Avatar: The Demon Prince
Plot: Obsidian Shackles
Cities Razed: None. 4 Siege tokens on Nerekhall
Overlord Upgrades: Sir Alric Farrow, Focused, Lawlessness, XP: 14