A thought popped up when browsing through the Fame and Fortune rulebook. It says investments is an optional thing. I suppose the Relics are too but what if one only wants to play with the relics and skip Investments? What should you get from the Seven Cities of Gold Relic? Normally you gain 2 investment tokens. Would it be equivalent to instead gain 2 Coin tokens on your civ sheet? Or keep the tile and place the Coin tokens on it making a house rule that those tokens are untouchable?
Relics and investments
I sent in a rules query and the answer I got is as follows: " Thanks for the question. There is no official ruling on this subject. For balance, I would suggest either not playing with the Seven Cities of Gold tile or giving the player who discovers the relic 1 coin token instead of 2 investment markers.
Hope that helps,
--Lukas Litzsinger Game Designer Fantasy Flight Games"