I think most people disagree with me, but I think Exodus CFB (without Pegasus at least…) is hugely in favour of the humans. Our Humans had essentially never won a game until we introduced the CFB, then afterwards they won several in a row, all by gaming the board. It requires a small amount luck, but typically humans just have to:
1. Try and get a single basestar on the board. If you get two, nuke one, and leave the other. (If you're feeling really confident, shoot it with galactica's guns to damage it a little.) This halts the pursuit track, and gives you a cake walk until the next jump. The cylon's only counter to this is to fastidiously roll on the pursuit track to try and get it right up to the last step (meaning the cylon can't do anything really more productive than wasting time moving the marker.) The basestar will prevent any further movement, so you can be assured that the CFB will jump across early in the jump track… having said that, it's not that hard for the humans, seeing the pursuit marker so close, to finish off the basestar (perhaps with their second nuke) in an attempt to get the CFB to jump in, then jump away immediately. Again, the pursuit track is back to the start, and the humans basically have a milk run until the next jump.
2. Have the CAG out in space, along with a couple unpiloted vipers. Escort all the civvies except for one at the back. With XO and the CAG card AND the far slower rate at which civvie ships are placed it's trivial to clean them up except for one to use as "bait." Even after the CFB jumps in, you usually don't have to worry about the raiders for a good 3 activations.
3. Allow the cylon/s to stack all the ships together in one space square so they are more formidable, and in an attempt to stop a lone straggling base star jumping across by itself on the third basestar activation. Then nuke the square with strategic planning giving yourself a better than 33% chance of wiping the entire enemy fleet out in one action. Or with 2 nukes, over 50% chance.
4. Allow the cylon/s to spread all the ships out on the CFB, so they can't all be nuked in a single strike then take care of them in dribs and drabs in your viper VIIs as they chase your single "bait" civvie ship
After playing our first 10-15 games with base, then the next 10-15 games with the CFB (mostly trying to get it to work without gimping the cylons) … we went back to the attack cards for the first time yesterday. I like the cards *a lot* better. Firstly, it totally removes the blatant "gaming" of the system, and secondly it makes for some really awesome space battles - with a couple attacks cards there are raiders everywhere, vipers everywhere, civvies everywhere. It's chaotic, and desperate as the humans try to flee… if successful, then they're like "phew! That was close!" With the CFB it's very much a case of - "ok civvie ships, I'll just mop those ones up, me and my 2 wingmen now have space locked down. No real need to kill anything desperately - we can just handle them as they come in." "Oh yeah! A basestar activation!" "Oh yay! A single basestar! No-one attack it!" The cylon is spending his entire time thinking "How the hell can I time it so my fleet jumps in at a time that's actually useful?"
Don't get me totally wrong, the cylons have won quite a few exodus games, and often the CFB is instrumental - a lot of the time by just having the raiders on the board and activating the "damage galactica" roll - or if the humans are really under the pump and they actually can't get the civvies off the board due to higher priorities… but the times the humans have won, it's totally been because of gaming the CFB and the cylon having bad luck in being able to get it to jump at the right time. The humans are *terrified* of attack cards appearing at any moment, and not at all concerned by the CFB.