Ground Assault scenario

By DoubleNot7, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Not quite Hoth, but close enough:

We ran two games yesterday: First was the Millennium Falcon fleeing the Death Star and chased by the four TIE fighters to recreate the scene in episode IV; A New Hope. The Falcon had two survive for 8 turns to have to make the jump to hyper space and escape. This was a 60 point game. The Falcon lost it's last hull point right at the end of turn 8.

The second game was assault on Hoth, we used temperate terrain though: Rebels had Wedge, Biggs, and Horton along with 8 stands of rebel infantry vs two Tempest squadron advanced TIEs w/cluster missiles, 3 AT-AT's, and 2 AT-ST's.

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The ground forces took the brunt of the fire, one AT-ST and two AT-AT were destroyed and the remaining ones were about to topple over. This however allowed the advanced TIEs ton make a gunnery run with their missile on the shield generator and then finish it off with primary weapons. A major Imperial victory was accomplished in 4 turns (2 turns under the 6 turn requirement for a major victory).

Would love to know the rules you used for this?

Looks like a lot of fun

The scenario is published on the web (I forget if it was here on FFG forums or over at Boardgame Geek.

Battle of HothV2.1by PeteParkerh & Green_wombat

thanks, I'll check it out

what are the models youre using for the at ats if you dont mind?