Shadow Dragon Shadow Ability - Does it stack?

By philthephreak, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

A situation came up in our game last night where a hero was adjacent to TWO shadow dragons (Master and Regular) when attempting to make an attack. (Grizban was making a whirlwind attack, but I'm not sure that is relevant.) The ability affects the hero no matter which monster he is targetting, as I've read in other posts.

The question is: does the hero need to roll TWO surges for the attack not to be considered a miss? In other words, does the Shadow Ability Stack?

No, it does not. FFG has officially answered that one Surge satisfies both Shadow abilities.

FYI, received an official ruling from FFG via the Rules Question link below.

Shadow Ability does NOT stack.

PhilThePhreak said:

FYI, received an official ruling from FFG via the Rules Question link below.

Shadow Ability does NOT stack.