Force Field

By TechVoid, in Deathwatch House Rules

Hi guys,

after the old discussion if force fields are to be rolled against each hit or work as a total I ask myself how it works to simply use the value as some kind of 'dodge'.

Thus if you are hit by multiple hits, e.g. from a semi or full-auto attack you roll under the value of the force field and negate a hit for a success plus one additional per DoS.

This would make the ruling of the force field coherent with the game mechanic of 'Degree of Success'.


-- TechVoid

Rolls against fields aren't skill tests so degrees of success aren't relevant. By RAW, it either stops an attack or it doesn't. Also, since they aren't skill tests they can't be rerolled or added to with fate points. Adding a need for degrees of success would add the disadvantages of skill tests with none of the advantages.