The Heirophant:
Xenos Terminus
These huge monsters are a true horror on the battlefield easily able to destroy entire batallions of Guardsmen or Space Marines, they are even capable to bring down a Titan or two.
WS: 65
BS: 35
S: 100
T: 85
AG: 25
Int: 25
Per: 25
WP: 65
Fel: 10
: 10/20/30/60
: 300
Berserk Charge, Furious Assault, Swift Attack, Lightning Attack, Basic Weapon Training (Bio-Symbiote), Ambidextrous, Two weapon Wielder (Ballistic), Fearless
10 AP All
Natural Weapons: (3d10+ 54, Pen 4, Rending, Unwieldy, Cannot be parried)
Bio Cannon: (Range 100, Damage 7d10+10, Pen 10, Blast 10), the Hierophant has 2 Bio Cannons which it can fire each round (If a miss occurs use the rules presented on page 196 of the DH Core Rulebook)
Spore Cloud: Anyone within 50 meters of the Hierophant must make a Toughness test or take 2d10 wounds Regardless of toughness and Armour
Dark Sight, Natural Weapons, Hive Mind, Rending Claws 4, Mega Node, Unnatural Toughness (x4), Unnatural Strength (x5), Quadruped, Massive, Fear Rating 4, Scything Claws, Multiple Arms
No this creature wasn't needed but it was fun to make...
New Talent:
Scything Attack
By Hellebore
Your immense strength and size allows you to smash multiple opponents at once. As a Full Round Action you can perform a Scything Attack. You can strike one target if you hit, plus one per DoS up to your WS Bonus. Each target may be no more than 2 metres from the previous one (although you may 'spend' a hit on an empty space in order to strike someone 4 metres away). Scything Attack cannot be Parried, only Dodged.
Rending Claws 4
This talent grants it user +2 damage on attacks with its natural weapons and a penetration of 4, these weapons or no longer primitive.