Helbrute Stats?!

By Merack, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

Hello guys, does anyone knows in which book are the Helbrute, from Chaos Space Marines stats?


I've only seen a Dreadnought in Rites of Battle as a playable character. I suppose you could come up with something using that. I don't have exact details I can give you because my neighbor (one of my gamer group) has my copy because we are starting a new campaign and the book is basically an extended player's book for Deathwatch. You should pick it up if you want to offer great options to players.

I do know that you can get enough information in Rites of Battle to make a Helbrute Dreadnought if you have Black Crusade you can mix the Chaos Space Marine. A Dreadnought is a serious threat to any Deathwatch Kill-Team. You're talking about taking a full size vehicle. a relic that is completely insane in the form of a Helbrute.

A Dreadnought follows special rules and there is the Ironclad Dreadnought that would fit the theme of the Helbrute a little better. Keep in mind that a Dreadnought could easily destroy a kill team in Deathwatch - I have never used one against my players :)

Thank you so much Mindforge.

I have plans to put a Dreadnought NPC to help my players and make an epic final battle at the end of my campaign.
I'm thinking about the Chaos Defiler to use against the Dreadnought but it's only an idea. Hehehe!!!

I went and got my book from next door. Yeah, it's in Rites of Battle. Just remember that a Dreadnought NPC might steal a bit of the spotlight in your game even against a defiler. I guess it depends on what you do with the Dreadnought. I've had a dreadnought as an advisor in my game. He was also used in the game but dropped with a different squad where the players actually had to come to his aid. Because of the sheer power the Dreadnought has, and the Defilier for that matter,

Also, I forgot that Rites of Battle has the Chaos Marine Dreadnought in it along with the Defiler.

The Space Marines that become Dreadnoughts are famous "Heroes" of the chapter. The armor is amazing to put it simply (37 front), enough firepower to be the main offensive presence in any combat. They get two weapon wielder with their weapons…. so they can basically lay down immense damage and the fact that they get to use the Space Marine skills… I would say they would have to be high rank Space Marines at least Rank 5-6 if not higher. They will hog the spotlight of the game.

The primary thing here is the fact that the Defiler is a vehicle that uses vehicle rules (there is no pilot) where the Dreadnought is a high ranked Space Marine that is a legend within the Chapter, not just anyone gets to live forever as a testament to their acts for the Chapter. So while the Defiler can dish out more damage. The Dreadnought has more armor too.

If you want to have a fight where a Space Marine Dreadnought and the PC's engage a Defilier… you might want to have two defilers. One other thing you can do and this is just a suggestion. The fight between the Dreadnought and the Defiler could just be a backdrop to what the characters need to actually do… and then they can return and save the dreadnought. I like to have my PC's be the spotlight of my games so I usually let them be the heroes :)

Your idea is awesome, man!

Actually my idea is simple, the Defiler shows up intimidating my PCs, then the Dreadnought shows up to hold the Defiler. I will not roll dices, it's just a scene. I could use your idea to save the Dreadnouht. The Defiler will be damaged so I believe that my PCs will do not have much trouble to kick his ass.



Merack said:

Your idea is awesome, man!

Actually my idea is simple, the Defiler shows up intimidating my PCs, then the Dreadnought shows up to hold the Defiler. I will not roll dices, it's just a scene. I could use your idea to save the Dreadnouht. The Defiler will be damaged so I believe that my PCs will do not have much trouble to kick his ass.



Cool. I have yet to put my players through the nightmare of a Dreadnought. I have put them through a few pretty hard core xenos bosses. I really like running players against Eldar. I almost wish there was an Eldar book. In one game I am running they are fighting a two front battle against Eldar and Dark Eldar along with having their ship orbiting a space hulk.

I try to use Chaos and non-xenos in a very limited fashion in my Deathwatch games. The biggest problem is finding resources with Eldar in the book. I've had to create a lot of my own. Because two of my players are very familiar with Warhammer, I really have to change things to make my game a bit different. I would twist the deflier up a little bit :) like I do everything.

The Twisted Defiler
A defiler fused with the body of a fallen Chaos Sorcerer is a frightening nightmare to behold. Impossible to tell where flesh meets metal or where metal meets flesh, this twisted machination is torment to the Sorcerer trapped in the cables and profane technology.

Make the following changes

Structural Integrity is -2 down to 26.

Armor is reduced by 2 on all sections.

Will power increased by 15 to 55

Fellowship increased by 29 to 30.

Traits to add: Regeneration, Unnatural Willpower x2), Armor is Warded.

The attacks remain the same but add the warp touched feature to all attacks.

Now here is the coolest part that I like about using the Twisted Defiler… both the defiler and the sorcerer have attacks. So the weapons of the defiler act independently of the sorcerer. Consider them the same creature though - they share all stats and everything else - they are still one beast with two minds.

Sorcery Available: Choose your own pretty much. I like control type spells and curses. I would only throw a few powers on here - maybe two minor arcana and one major arcana for Chaos Sorcery.