I thought I'd come out of lurking on this forum long enough to announce a character generation app I've been working on in scraps of free time over the past year or two. It's written completely in HTML and JavaScript, so it runs as a single web page; I put it online, but you can also download it and run it from local files in your browser. You can see it in action here , and the Github project page with the description and source code is here . It doesn't cover all of the rules yet (it's a pretty darn complex game), but it does support the majority of them, enough to fully specify most martial characters and enter most of the data for others. You can also create creatures with it, although that's pretty limited at the moment because selection of Powers isn't quite working yet (although you can pick Essential Abilities, creature type and level, Element, etc.)
I created this because it was taking way too long to generate NPCs in the Anima campaign I'm running; it's now getting substantially easier, although fine-tuning characters is still challenging because the game has so many options. All four of the players in the campaign have now entered their characters into it (finding a few bugs in the process which I've since fixed), and they're finding it to be a great tool for sanity-checking their calculations and planning their future progression. There are quite a few improvements I still want to make (and my players are helping out with that now), but I figure it's useful enough as is for most players and GMs of the game to get some value from it.
Of course, it implements the rules as I've interpreted them, and I'm sure some people will find places where they disagree with how I'm doing the calculations. I'm open to adding support for alternate rules interpretations, although at the moment I'm rather focused on filling in the gaps in functionality first (these are listed on the project page I linked to above). There are also almost certainly some outright bugs still in there, so please let me know (either here or on the Github issues tracker) if you uncover some of those.
Anyway, take a look and let me know what you think.