Hero leaping

By Acolyte Rivan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is there a limit to the number of tiles a hero can jump over? In our current dungeon, Ronan would like to jump over a large (2 square) pit to reach a secure area. Can he spend the 6 movement to do so?

Acolyte Rivan said:

Is there a limit to the number of tiles a hero can jump over? In our current dungeon, Ronan would like to jump over a large (2 square) pit to reach a secure area. Can he spend the 6 movement to do so?

Ummm....wow, I haven't got a clue. I guess I'd have to go with yes since I can't think of anything that says no. Not the best reasoning out there sadly. Sorry bud.

Acolyte Rivan said:

Is there a limit to the number of tiles a hero can jump over? In our current dungeon, Ronan would like to jump over a large (2 square) pit to reach a secure area. Can he spend the 6 movement to do so?

No there is no limit (other than the number of MP a hero has to spend).
DJitD pg 17 (my bold)
If a hero or monster is aware of a pit, it may jump across the pit for three movement points for each space crossed .
The bolded part above clearly indicates that more than one space may be jumped at once.

BTW I still want a Hero in the next expansion that has the ability: For 2 fatigue, Jimmy (whateverhisnamewillbe) may make a Leap attack.

Big Remy said:

BTW I still want a Hero in the next expansion that has the ability: For 2 fatigue, Jimmy (whateverhisnamewillbe) may make a Leap attack.

Yes! Matrix style wire-fu fighting sequences!

Why not just call the new hero Jimmy Neo then?