Tourney Question

By player1540319, in Dust Warfare

For those of you that have played Warefare Tournies… How long does a 5 turn game take in tourney play with 300pts, including battle builder and terrain setup. We played a game last night at 200pts 1 command squad and it took 2 hrs total? We are new to the game and could speed up abit but still seems long. How many rounds is a typical tourney and how many hrs? I know it depends on number of people but what is the average?


I think 2 hours is good maybe 2.5 if there a lot of people with low experience, I think FFG was give us about 1.5hrs at worlds and I was usualy only getting to turn 3 or 4.

We did an hour and a half at our big tourney in January. Plenty of time and we have very few folks running out of time. Of course, everyone who played at the Dust-Off was pretty experienced.

It varies based on experience. Two players who are new to the game might take a couple of hours to play a 300 AP (or less) game, while two experienced players will probably finish a game in 90 minutes, possibly even 60 minutes if they're really going for it. The tourney rules allow 90 minutes for 300 AP, with 15 minutes in-between each game for organising the next round. Also, the Dust tourney rules are the first I've seen that specifically discuss lunch break length. :)

1.5 hours is very tight, but doable for a tourney game. Keep in mind that 1.5 hours includes list exchange, battle builder, terrain, deployment and a 5 round game. Tournaments are a different mindset than casual play and you cannot carry on much in the way of table talk. Tournaments are an all business affair.

Two key things to remember when playing in a tournament:

1. Know your list. Try not to need reference for your unit stats.

2. Have a way to quickly move your units from table A to table B. A small tray that can hold your army is a very good thing. I didn't have one and learned my lesson.

I was at the Dust-Off and thought the 1.5 hours was tight. An extra 10-15 minutes would have been helpful to make the games not feel as rushed as they did. That said, I only had one game that came down to the last second at that tourney.