If a player uses " Local Unrest " on a system containing a space station, PDS, and two mechanized units, what happens?
Ruling: Local Unrest with Mechanized Units
The FAQ states the following: "Mechanized Units are treated as Ground Forces in regards to invading and controlling planets only, this includes cards and effects which would revert a planet to neutral if no Ground Forces are present." I cannot interpret this in any other way than that the Local Unrest AC has zero effect on the planet in question.
For the sake of clarity I'll also quote the second half of the aforementioned FAQ answer: " They participate in invasion combat but are immune to all abilities that refer to Ground Forces, such as Action Cards, technologies, Domain Counters, bombardments, PDS fire, and Leaders."
Fnoffen said:
Ah, thanks. I missed that one.
From memory Local Unrest also exhausts the Planet card, so that would still happen, and if there was a MU and a GF, the GF would be killed, but the MU would stop the planet from reverting to neutral.
True. Forgot the part about exhausting. Which might still make Local Unrest a viable option to hinder a player from having enough resources to complete an objective for example. Even if (s)he retains control of the planet for future rounds.
Rioters? Close the hatch.
Orbital Bombardment? Close the hatch.
Diplomats? Close the hatch.
Man killing bioforms? Close the hatch.
Droping onto a planet into heavy PDS fire? Close the hatch.
There is nothing you can't do in a tank!
To make it CRYSTAL clear, the only way to kill a mech unit is to:
1: destroy the carrier/spacedock in which the mech is stationed at
2: groundforced/mechs fysicly shoot at it and destroy it
and it's immune to the rest?
That's fracking overpowering for a unit that only costs 2 resources and makes distant suns meaningless on planets.
That's fracking overpowering for a unit that only costs 2 resources and makes distant suns meaningless on planets.
Maybe it seems that way in theory, but I haven't seen that many complaints from people who actually use them. Plus, you only get 4 of them.
Also, Mechanized units (or GFs) are never stationed on a Space Dock. They are either on a planet or on board a ship. Fighters on the other hand have to be supported by a carrier or a Space Dock (unless their owner has researched Advanced Fighters).
The FAQ states the following: "Mechanized Units are treated as Ground Forces in regards to invading and controlling planets only, this includes cards and effects which would revert a planet to neutral if no Ground Forces are present." I cannot interpret this in any other way than that the Local Unrest AC has zero effect on the planet in question.
Why? The Local Unrest card EXPLICITLY says that if no Ground Forces remain, the planet reverts to neutral status. I guess Mechanized units can't hold the cities? *shrug*
On 2/25/2016 at 7:53 AM, PsiComa said:
Why? The Local Unrest card EXPLICITLY says that if no Ground Forces remain, the planet reverts to neutral status. I guess Mechanized units can't hold the cities? *shrug*
The rule specifically says that they are treated as ground forces for 'controlling planets' so for planetary control there are ground forces that remain, but as stated above, if there is unrest, close the hatch.
Tanks are really expensive as they cost the same as 4 ground forces, but they are worth it.