timing question

By Rogue 3, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

you have a 1 damage unit defending against vader.

vader strike for 2 unit damage and targets your 1 damage unit

you have 2 lightsaber deflections in your hand and play them

will your 1 damage unit live?

how much damage will vader have?

can you play both deflections?

are the answers the same if your unit has 2 damage ?

if your unit has more then 2 damage cap will answers be the same?

Each Lightsaber Deflection resolves independently. Once the first one resolves, you can still play a second copy. It doesn't matter how much damage capacity the original target has.

Rogue 3 said:

you have a 1 damage unit defending against vader.

vader strike for 2 unit damage and targets your 1 damage unit

you have 2 lightsaber deflections in your hand and play them

will your 1 damage unit live?

how much damage will vader have?

can you play both deflections?

are the answers the same if your unit has 2 damage ?

if your unit has more then 2 damage cap will answers be the same?

1. yes

2. he will have 2 damage (if you play both, and there are no "protect character" units on his/her side of the board)

3. yes

4. yes

5. yes

To clarify on #3 (can you play both deflections), you are interrupting your character taking damage. Once one of the interrupts resolves, you stil have the opportunity to play another, as long as you and your opponent have not both passed on playing interrupts/reactions.


DS: "I strike with Vader, dealing 2 damage to 'x'."

LS: "I'm going to play LSD to cancel one of those damage and move it to Vader."

DS: "Ok. I have no responses." (pass)

LS: "I'm going to play another LSD to cancel the other damage and move it to Vader."

DS: "I have no responses." (pass)

LS: "I pass as well." (pass)

(perfectly valid scenario)