Dodging Flamers, Unclear Rules?

By BlaxicanX, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Okay, so I asked for an official clarification myself. Here's my question:


I'd like a clarification on how the sequence of events unfolds with regards to weapons with the Flame quality. Say I'm in a flamer's blast radius. By my understanding of the rules, the sequence is thus:

1. I roll Agility to see if I'm hit by the attack. If I succeed, nothing happens.
2. If I fail that roll, I can attempt to Dodge the attack, provided I have a Reaction left and my Ag bonus is large enough to move me out of the blast radius.
3. If I fail the Dodge roll as well, I take damage and have to roll Ag once again to see if I'm set on fire.

Would that be correct?

And here's an answer Tim gave:

Very close. On #3, you only check for being on fire if you actually take damage.

Okay, so I asked for an official clarification myself. Here's my question:

Just out of curiousity, where did you do that?

Okay, so I asked for an official clarification myself. Here's my question:

Just out of curiousity, where did you do that?

If you're asking for technicalities, there's a link at the very bottom of this page called "Rules Questions".

If you're asking which game the question was submitted for, it was Dark Heresy.

People often miss the fact that you can send questions directly to FFG to ask questions. It's super-useful in settling arguments like this.