ArcCain said:
[…]DH is an ARPG[…]
And there we have completly different points of view. For me DH is a RPG about Investigation. If you want a 40k line that is focused on action I would suggest OW, DW and even RT to some degree. In DH you are an acolythe, a tool of investigation. You are serving an Inquisitor and in your role combat is an element but not your purpose, for this "simple" task an Inquisitor can deploy inquisitorial Kill-Teams or demand support from local forces if he want to.
2: They do cause burning effects the longer you let them stay on the wound. And they "burn" the flesh out by destroying the molecular bonds of matter, they do not rend or cut like a regular blade would.
3; I never stated that Death Cultists do not use advanced weapons, I stated that Moritat wont use them. They are a special career, not the majority of this role. And the enty more or less talks about "primitve" weapons (should have used quotes here) for the majority of bladed weapons are in fact primitive. Later on they get Mono/Lathe upgrade but more or less they stay the same. Power weapons are a complelty different category (hence you need the specific talent for them). But if you like starting careers that much and refer to them all the time though just look at the moritat career. Does it grant the power weapon talent? No, they rely on their primitive melee weapons talent. (And the gear of starting equipment only covers a wide array of equipment or do you realy belive 66% of all guardsman are equiped with muskets ors bows? Are you serious?) The starting gear only tries to allow you to play different cliches, but it is no mandatory law that says: YOu get it, you have to use it! Every Guardsman I know was instantly droping all the weapons that did not suit his homeworld for example. And yes, a power sword is still a sword, but unless it is turned off it has not blade, and this is the problem for the moritat.
(4.) Well, we dont play like that. We do not say: I want to melee, what class offers the most bonus to that. We play roles and develope them. If someone plays a Guardsman he invests in some BS, but if he becomes an Officer and wants to portrait the chainsword swinging Sarge then he spents some WS. If someone plays a moritat he does not choose him for his special skills or talents in the first place but he offers a given set to actualy play a dedicated death cultist with some nice aspects of faith and the struggle he might have on his travail. For sure there are always some meta-aspects, but to always aim for the best, as you mentioned it is one thing: Min-maxing. I do not say it is a bad thing per se, but that is what it is. You even agreed with me though you used another word for it. And the reaping as a spin attack does include several enemies but in my opinion he is still an ASSASSIN, not a murder-servitor. This talent is usefull if things go horrible wrong but do you realy think of body-glove wearing assassins in the middle of a combat zone? An ASSASSIN? Another point where we have complelty different opinions. For my opinion an Assassin is an Assassin, for you it is something different, a Brute of some kind… and again I have to propose the Guardsman… this career also gets all important melee talents, even more of the important ones than the assassin though later on. And he actualy might wear a heavy armor and this is what you are talking about, at least in my opinion. This is the class for the thick of melee.
And about the Daemon-Stuff or Power Armors that seem to appear quite often in your games… well, you made DH an ARPG… I guess the concept of battles that cant be won and the existence of always a bigger fish is something strange to you. Also you speak of "crippeling" I speak of actual roleplay. Not everything is pro or balanced. Heck… if I would be crippled for every character that has his own limits by choice… and Moritat is perfect for stealth… a power or chain weapons make so much noice… no wonder that you have no stealth elements… a moritat with tearing can use some BLADED weapons with devastating efficency. But it seems you are not playing a DH inquisitorial investigation cell but a kill team.