Can you place order tokens such as special consolidate power order token on your home area with a garrison token but no troops on it, to muster for more troops?
Order tokens on garrisons
Only areas with a unit can have orders, that includes garrisons. The advantage of home bases, it that you can leave it unoccupied and it is still yours without leaving a power token behind. If an opposing house takes over your garrison, and for whatever reason vacates it without leaving a token, the ownership automatically reverts back to it's original house.
No, you can only place an order in an area with a unit, and garrisons are not units.
If an area containing a garrison is attacked they defend like a 2 strength unit, but they are not units for any other purposes.
Thank you for clearing that up. My friend was defiantly cheating last game but he always loses so I paid little attention to it.
floworcrash said:
Only areas with a unit can have orders, that includes garrisons. The advantage of home bases, it that you can leave it unoccupied and it is still yours without leaving a power token behind. If an opposing house takes over your garrison, and for whatever reason vacates it without leaving a token, the ownership automatically reverts back to it's original house.
NO NO, you are mixing up ORDER and POWER tokens….
As dypaca says…
Anyhouse, looks like ur friend always cheats, argues and looses…