I player in my campaign with his 28 strength was on the receiving end of an unnatural 55 strength ambull, before he even reacted i told him you can only dodge and not parry because y'know, LOGIC (an average man cannot stop the force of a 4metre tall insectoid's pincer aimed at his face with a hammer in one hand) of which he got mornge on because there's nothing in the rules about the logical limits parrying something far stronger than oneself and being a doing some form of martial arts started pulling out all this crap about ' it doesnt matter how strong you are, its how you direct the force of the incoming attack' of which i pointed out he's playing an adept with terrible weapon skill and this turned into a heated debate if you'd hadnt guessed already.
In short, can anyone else suggest or may have been in a similar situation and thought of house rules for the the limits of parrying things far stronger than oneself or even side effects of being hit by a towering monstrosity like being knocked flying?
I was thinking something like you can't parry opponents who's first digit on his strength stat is two above you're own (e.g someone with 33 strength cant parry someone with 52 strength). certain things may modify this such as having unnatural strength might mean you can parry someone with significantly higher strength or being a higher size category might mean that you'd count as having +10 to your strength for the purposes of parrying etc etc?