attacking ???

By Mistherion, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

i put a march token and when its time i attacked and left my territory empty. i lost the war and my units are perished. now there is only one power token staying on that area which belongs to me. on the next turn, my opponent moved to my area. what will happen now ? should i take back my power token or does that area belongs to him ?

second one is that i want to attack one of my opponent's hometown. for example i play with baratheon and i wanna attack on lannisport. what should i do ?

thnk you so much !

When your opponent marches into an area with only your power token, it is put back into the power pool. (Not your available power). He now controls the area.

When you attack a home area, the garrison defends as though it were a two strength unit (any actual units in the area will defend as well). If you win the battle the garrison is permanently removed from the board. So long as you have units or a power token in the area you will control it. If the area ever becomes empty (no units and no power token) then the original owner will control it again. The house sigil printed in the area will work exactly as though the original owner had a power token in the area (but only if there are no units and no actual power token in the area).

thank you so much really this is appreciated so much. i really needed this information mate. thnk you